Welcome Skayc1!
Selling soap that goes bad hurts not only the customer, but also the whole community of handmade soap-makers by giving handmade soap a bad name.
This also goes for selling soap that just doesn't feel good on the skin, no matter how pretty or cool it may look.
A little story to bring this very valid point home: One of my friends is a Master Herbalist and I was in her shop one day and she was showing me these very cool looking soaps that she'd made and extolling all the benefits of handmade soap and what herbs she used, etc. Now this lady knows her stuff per herbs/natural healing so I trusted her, but her soap was terrible! Back then I didn't know any better and I thought this was what handmade soap was supposed to feel like, so I NEVER wanted to try it again!!
Fast forward a few years later when I ran into a soapmaker who had a bar of soap that smelled so good that I had to buy it...I didn't care if it felt awful because it smelled so good! Lo and behold, this was a different creature altogether!! It felt amazing on my skin and I was addicted

In a recent conversation with this same friend (who now uses MY soap) I admitted how much I hated the soap she used to make. And she confessed that those were the first and only batches of soap she'd ever made. She said that she did all her research and they LOOKED and SMELLED good, but she ended up throwing most of them away shortly after I bought a bar because they started to stink/go rancid.
I did research for over six months before I made my first batch of soap and the bars from my first few batches of soap are still pretty decent five years later. When I first made them I thought they were amazing and my family and friends did as well and told me I should sell them. But honestly, I would be embarrassed if I HAD sold them as I've fine-tuned my recipes into far superior soaps. After all, that's what it's about, right? Putting your best effort out there for your customers and making something you can truly be proud of and stand behind. But it does take time to learn and perfect your recipes.
Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to share this as a cautionary tale - it's soooo easy to turn people away from an entire community with just one bad bar of soap.