Advice For A Beginner

Soapmaking Forum

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Nov 19, 2010
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Hi everyone, I’m new to the forum and soap making and am very happy I found this resource. The other day I was adding to my stockpile of MREs and rotating out my water supply when it dawned on me that if there was an emergency where I had to use my survival provisions for an extended period of time, I’m going to eventually need soap. So I thought it would be a good idea to learn how to make it because I’m sure all of the stores would be looted. Any advice on where to start would be appreciated. Thanks!
To to That's where I started. Begin with an easy recipe - maybe her all sudsy vegetable or her castille II which don't require fancy ingredients. You can find coconut oil at Walmart. I don't work with animal fats personally but I've heard that soaps with lard are really nice too.
Thanks Judy! The castile recipes look good; I'm thinking I better stock up on olive oil because in an emergency i don't think I'll find any. How come you don't use animal fat?
MREs? Emergency Water?

Are you in the military?

Welcome to the forum :)
Oh no….I’m not in the military. I’m just making myself ready for any future crisis that comes up! If I can make soap and survive, maybe I can barter with it for provisions.
That's cool.

When I was growing up in South Florida in the 60's my aunt had a bomb shelter built for when the Russians were supposed to attack. We had the most awesome parties there as a teenager in the 70's!
Mostly it was stocked with beer and potato chips - among other things.

I was born a few months before the Cuban Missile Crisis, I never went in it until I was in high school.
Thanks Anna. I’m sure in time my reasons for wanting to make soap will change, it’s starting out as a means for survival but I suspect it will end as a love of the craft.
yeah another cool thing to know is soap will pretty much last forever if made correctly, I know someone here has said they have a block of WWII era soap or something like that... crazy!!!

If the **** really hits the fan tho, I think Id like to learn to make bullets and guns/flamethrowers to keep everyone from stealing my stockpile...

... and stamina... you must have stamina to survive the zombie apocalypse ...
That’s good to know because I don’t want to scare anybody but I think there are troubled times a coming and we need to be ready…..Soap makers are going to be very important in the near future like all the other crafts people who know how to make stuff. There’s no way you can make bullets and guns though…BELIEVE ME I’ve considered it…..You need to hide the stockpile; but I kind of think you’re pulling my leg about the zombie apocalypse…..are you really a moderator?
wow, yes he is really a moderator. zombie apocalypse is about right.

loving the doomsday stuff, as always. though I suspect it would get tiresome living in fear all the time.

hey, jmo. welcome to the forum.
IanT said:
yeah another cool thing to know is soap will pretty much last forever if made correctly, I know someone here has said they have a block of WWII era soap or something like that... crazy!!!

If the **** really hits the fan tho, I think Id like to learn to make bullets and guns/flamethrowers to keep everyone from stealing my stockpile...

... and stamina... you must have stamina to survive the zombie apocalypse ...

man am i out of luck :roll:
IanT said:
... and stamina... you must have stamina to survive the zombie apocalypse ...

Would they be slow moving or fast moving zombies?

There's probably a good reason to have a stock of provisions available. Living in Southern California we have a supply for emergencies, specifically with earthquakes in mind. You never know when you are going to go a few days without power or running water due to a natural disaster or storm.
That’s right MissMori! Anything can happen and you have to be prepared! I also stockpiled a boatload of toothpaste. THAT’S going to be valuable too. I wonder if I can learn to make toothpaste?
KBO1 said:
That’s right MissMori! Anything can happen and you have to be prepared! I also stockpiled a boatload of toothpaste. THAT’S going to be valuable too. I wonder if I can learn to make toothpaste?

You can always use soap for toothpaste. Seriously.
Really? I don’t think I could do that, I have a very sensitive gag reflex. Have you tried this? Is there any extra whitening effect with regular soap?
It's called tooth soap. Seriously, look it up. And the gag reflex thing - not an issue, your mouth will feel really clean and you will almost never have dragon breath in the morning.
Thanks Soapygirl...I get it now; you flavor it! After your post i tried to brush my teeth with Irish Spring and that didn't work out so well. Do you make tooth soap?