Adopting a New Family Member

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
I "babysat" for my sister last weekend, her 4 month old pure bred Blue Point Ragdoll kitten. Worth a fortune. But he was absolutely beautiful to have around and proved to me that my own cat (Duckie) and my baby Frankie (mini dashund) would like to have another little one around.
So this weekend we are adopting a new family member from the local animal rescue. I have always thought of fostering animals till they get to their "furever"'home but I get so attached so quickly I'd end up keeping half of them. We got our own cat from the same place, and regularly donate funds and bulk dry food when it's on special...but obviously the real help is in adopting their animals.
So this weekend hopefully this little boy kitten will be coming home with me, I'll keep you informed.
Here's the link if anyone wants to sticky beak
click on kittens on the left hand side, then on the pic of "Percy" see his photos, he is so gorgeous!!
We won't be keeping his name as Percy though, as we had a cat years ago who was very special named Percy. So I'm open to suggestions!
Hey Chrissy nice to see you............I so love those Ragdolls and they are so bright but hubby would faint at the thought of paying that much for a kitten...............maybe oneday
Couldnt find Percy but what an lovely thing to do taking a kitten from a shelter...............Look forward to seeing a few pics of Percy once he gets to your place :D
My girlfriend has six month old boy ragdolls. I spent quite a bit of time with them when I've been home (New Zealand) in the past couple of months. They're purebreed, expensive, but not crazy expensive. Think that may be due to the breeder not charging over the top, plus the two tier charging for kittens sold for breeding with registered papers and kittens sold as pets and not registered to breed from.

Chrissy, I hope you have many wonderful years with your new pet!
Congratulations on your new fur baby!

I clicked on the link but didn't see a picture of Percy. You'lll have to post a pic of him after you get him.
I can't suggest a name until I see a pic and hear about his personality. Both have a lot to do with names we choose for our fur babies. For example, my sister nursed a kitten which she was given when he was very tiny (maybe only a couple of weeks old if that old). He became very spoiled, obnoxious, arrogant and mischievious. Her youngest son suggested the name "Pooka" (a creature of the Fairy realm known to confuse and terrify humans but was usually benevolent). It was a very appropriate name. :lol:
Well I just looked up "blue point ragdoll" on google. Wow, gorgeous. Do their eyes usually stay blue as adults?

As for names... may I suggest something sophisticated! They look like high maintance cats which should be very spoiled!

I'm a big fan of the show Frasier so the name Niles comes to mind. He's probably my favorite character from the show and is quite fussy.
Tasha, yes they are gorgeous. That's what my sisters cat is, not the one that I am getting.
Apparently they get really really big...sort of like those maine coontz or whatever those cats are called, and yes their eyes do stay blue. I have noticed with my sisters cat that his "points" (tip of tail, centre of face, paws) have gotten bluer and his white fur is whiter.
oh well in that case, YES, post pics ASAP when he comes home with you! I'm jealous!
I saw his picture - Its the criminally cute grey fluffy one right? And yes uber adorable! Those pictures of him are classic, I love the faces he is pulling like that first one is as though the photographer has said give me something cute and he has gone....what like this....lmao

I think with his name wait till you get him home and then a name will come to you, you can't pick these things till you get a feel for his little character.
I think that it is great you are adopting him. :D All of my pets are adopted and I do rabbit rescue. I have found with my dogs I struggled with names. The bunnies always come easier for some reason. I look through the on-line pet name things to get ideas and go from there! I usually pick two and then get to know the pet and use the one that fits. :)