Adding mica powder to hp soap

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2024
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I have been making hp for a few months now, but an still trying to figure out what the best method is to add mica powder to my soap. I have tried a few different ways, just wondering what others thoughts or experiences have been. Thanks!!
Was hoping someone else would chime in; it's been a long time since I made HP soap. As I remember, I added color at the end, after the cook. I mixed my colorant, whether mica or pigment, with a little olive oil - about 1 teaspoon of colorant to 1 tablespoon of oil. I used a small whisk to make sure the color was well dispersed in the oil. I would add this to my cooked soap. If I wanted a light shade, I would add 1/2 tsp of the color mix at a time, until I was happy with the color. Of course, with HP, one has to work quickly. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your response! It seems most people cp on here, which is cool. I figure the the methods are similar hp or cp, maybe I'm wrong. I tried dispersing it in a little bit of sweet almond in a batch I made this morning. I actually have never tried this way, I think I felt like the extra oil might be too much since it's after the cook. I guess a couple extra teaspoons or so won't make a difference? I usually put my mica directly into my soap and carefully spritz with a little alcohol which begins the dispersing and it seems pretty ok, I just sometimes don't get it completely mixed in. Mixing with oil was fine, it's just also extra mixing cups I have to clean up. I tried a new color, a light orange, morphed to a nothing color. So I added some more of darker shade, can you added too much mica? By the end of it, I have added double the amount. It seems fine right now, it's still the mold though.
Thank you for your response! It seems most people cp on here, which is cool. I figure the the methods are similar hp or cp, maybe I'm wrong. I tried dispersing it in a little bit of sweet almond in a batch I made this morning. I actually have never tried this way, I think I felt like the extra oil might be too much since it's after the cook. I guess a couple extra teaspoons or so won't make a difference? I usually put my mica directly into my soap and carefully spritz with a little alcohol which begins the dispersing and it seems pretty ok, I just sometimes don't get it completely mixed in. Mixing with oil was fine, it's just also extra mixing cups I have to clean up. I tried a new color, a light orange, morphed to a nothing color. So I added some more of darker shade, can you added too much mica? By the end of it, I have added double the amount. It seems fine right now, it's still the mold though.
Adding the colorant mixed with oil at the end just increases the superfat % a bit. You can compensate by lowering your superfat % a bit in the calculation for lye. If you're planning to use it all in one go, you can just pull out a tablespoon of oil from your mixed oils to mix with the colorant. I now keep pre-mixed colorant in the fridge in small bottles. When I'm getting ready to soap, I pull them out, microwave them for a second or two to liquify the oil completely and stir well. I've started using SF %s of 2-3%, so I don't worry too much about the added oil now.
Oh! Great idea!! What exactly does the refrigeration do? It is for the shelf life of the oil?