Adding hair to cp

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My advice, having made soap with snake shed... there's better things than snake shed or hair to add to your soap for the same affect. Clays, tussah silk or silk peptides, allantoin, or colloidal oats (not ground oatmeal), will all get you there without any "weird" factors.

That said... if you want to try it for personal use, I won't judge. If you're making it for other people though, I would look at other sources for the silkiness.
Horse hair should dissolve in the lye solution, and it would certainly be an interesting experiment. I did not realize mare's milk was a thing! Apparently it is supposed to be kind to the skin. Both might be appreciated additives in soap gifted to equestrian friends.
I had a very obliging mare who let me milk her after I weaned her foal lol Thought it might be interesting since I already used goat milk a lot :) and then i saw something about hair being used for the silky properties and wondered if horse people would actually like a soap made of their horse's hair :goodbye1:
I had a very obliging mare who let me milk her after I weaned her foal lol Thought it might be interesting since I already used goat milk a lot :) and then i saw something about hair being used for the silky properties and wondered if horse people would actually like a soap made of their horse's hair :goodbye1:
I'm a curious individual, and would love to see the results of this experiment, particularly if there was a comparison batch of goats milk soap (same oils, same time).
I had a very obliging mare who let me milk her after I weaned her foal lol Thought it might be interesting since I already used goat milk a lot :) and then i saw something about hair being used for the silky properties and wondered if horse people would actually like a soap made of their horse's hair :goodbye1:
I was curious if you tried adding the horse hair to your soap, and how did it turn out? Im a horse girl so Im very interesed in doing this.
I was curious if you tried adding the horse hair to your soap, and how did it turn out? Im a horse girl so Im very interesed in doing this.
Maybe someone who has tried this will see the post and reply but sassikat hasn’t been here since October 2020.
I’m also a horse girl and hopefully at the end of shedding season. I’m looking at my leggings, which are covered in cat hair, and thinking maybe cat hair would be better as it’s much finer. 🤷‍♀️

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