Adding beeswax

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blue hill

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
I want to try a recipe with beeswax in it. I heard this is very tricky, is it hard to do? My question is, when do i add the beeswax? Should i melt it with the oils and then add the lye solution or..add it melted at trace? Any advice will be appreciated!
blue hill said:
I want to try a recipe with beeswax in it. I heard this is very tricky, is it hard to do? My question is, when do i add the beeswax? Should i melt it with the oils and then add the lye solution or..add it melted at trace? Any advice will be appreciated!

just like carebear said melt it with your oils (helps if its grated up), and just use it with your oils (ie... youd be adding your lye solution into your oil/bwax mixture)
Yes you would need to melt it. I would say no more that .5 to .7oz PPO, and also watch your installation of your mold because it can get really hot.
I have heated up my empty pot gently, taken it off the heat and added the bees wax to it putting it back on a gentle heat if needed. you need to keep it hotish as when you add your cold oils the wax will set again, it is best to add the hardest oil first as that needs more heat. If it does start to set up you can reheat the lot best to do it quickly, mix till it is all mixed together and then add the rest of the oils according to the temperture required.
you need to make sure you have every little bit of that bees wax melted or it will just stay in lumps.
You can also heat your hardest oil in another pot and then add to the beeswax, best to add the hot oil to the bees wax not the bees wax to the oil.
Hope this helps
Yes definately use the beads or grate it. Beeswax melts at a much higher temperature than your other oils. I keep mine in a mason jar, heat it up by itself and pour a little in my warm oils. It cools down and I have to turn the temp up on my oils. When you take your oils off the heat keep stirring.

I ruined my grater with it once because hot water will not remove it. I remember reading somewhere that beeswax melts at 145°.

Best of luck!