Accurate temperature

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
OK, this may be a silly question, but here goes:

I have a gas range and even on the lowest setting the temperature is over 150 degrees. What I've done with soap making is to let it get to that temperature, then turn the heat off and try to get the lye and the oil to the same temp. Does someone out there have a better solution or something else that they use? I know some people use crock pots... I guess I could check the temp. of that... though I'd rather use it for food (in the rare event that I WOULD use it for food).
I guess I just wish the had something like a bunsen burner that I could set for a specific temp. and not have to constantly monitor it... this is for other projects I have too, not just soap... googling didn't seem to help.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!
i make my own ghetto version of a crock pot... i set a large pot of water on the stove, then use my pyrex mixing bowl by placing it in the water and propping it up with some wooden spoons so it doesnt fall (it has a handle so this is easier than it sounds)... then i just let the water boil and melt the oils.... easy as cake :)
No need

Hey Kitty Wings a lot of us threw that temperatute checking thing out a long time ago.
Mixing it at room temp.
Apparentlt the tempurature equalizing thing was like an urban myth. One person stated it was so and we all beleived.
I certainly did for quite some batches.
Hope that helps.
Laughing at me not you:lol: :lol: :lol:

Contrary to the wisdom in a couple of older soaping books, the universe does not implode if you don't have both at the same temperature. I just mix my lye, and melt my oils.

When the outside of the lye pitcher, and the soap pot are just warm to touch....I go to town.

Works for everything but the most difficult floral FO's. :)
MikeInPdx said:

Contrary to the wisdom in a couple of older soaping books, the universe does not implode if you don't have both at the same temperature. I just mix my lye, and melt my oils.

When the outside of the lye pitcher, and the soap pot are just warm to touch....I go to town.

Works for everything but the most difficult floral FO's. :)
i actually broke my candy thermometer so havent been checking temps for the last 4 or 5 batches with no hang ups :)
so you guys don't check? What about when making things with milk? (powdered kind?)

Heck, that's one less thing to stress about :D
Just observe as you go.

I haven't used powdered milk. But I often use coconut powder and sometimes goats milk. I put them in after trace .No different.
I do have everything ready and preplanned 3 times over.I have in the back of my mind that if the soaps start to thicken quickly I am ready to get them in molds ASP. For me it's an energy planning thing also.
So I take it to trace part mixer be it stick or paint mixer on drill and partly hand stirring with same ,allowing for a break the moment I see it starting to thicken. I rest then till I know my energies up again, knowing that the next mix it's all go till it's in the molds.
It actually is an advantage to me that I have to rest and plan so well.I tell you otherwise I would just be all wham bam ,oh my gosh what happened there style and mess it up.
Or so it seems.
Best of luck.You will be fine,honestly.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
When you add you lye to your GM, it's just trial and error ... you have to add the lye before everything melts, but you can't do it too fast or you'll get the smelly orange mess. I started doing everything room temp ... lye and oils ...Paul's method .. and I'm never going back. I just add the GM at trace and that works well for me.