He's growing great, enough that he has more bug mail on the way lol.
That is the one thing that gets annoying. I really get tired of bug mail. I am going to eventually have to start my own fruit fly cultures and maybe Dubias. I really love Beardies.He's growing great, enough that he has more bug mail on the way lol.
Owww, didn't know there were other herp enthousiasts here!
I've got geckos, newts, frogs and a snake.
Welcome to your beardy!
Happy bubbles
LOL, don't mind Obsidian she is weird, she likes eight-legged creatures. Just kidding Gail. What aspect of the Dubias caused you an allergy, do you know? I remember you raising them, you sent me some to feed somebody.Owww, didn't know there were other herp enthousiasts here!
I've got geckos, newts, frogs and a snake.
Welcome to your beardy!
Happy bubbles
Well just shows what I know, I was thinking it was dubias. All I know was he gobbled them up. I think I will decide to not raise them, my gecks are not that crazy about them anyway. It is not worth the risk, so thank you for the info. No, you are not weird, we all like different creatures. How are the Mantids doing?Haha, I am weird
Its the frass that I'm allergic too, I have to wear a respiratory to even be in the same room as a large colony.
Last time I had a attack, nearly sent me to the hospital. Handling them will cause hives.
I haven't had dubia in forever, it was hissers I sent you for the cham.
That is why the seller sent so many oothecas. I was a tad suspicious. They are great for the garden.Roaches are one of the leading causes of severe allergies in the US and even if you aren't allergic at first, it can come on out of the blue.
I'm ok with red runners but I don't breed them, just keep a few dozen on hand for the tarantulas.
They have a longer life span, don't jump or make noise.
Mantids are ok, I've lost a few but thats to be expected. Found out they are chinese, not rhombodera. That was disappointing but at least I can release these outside
That is too funny. It must really be fun to watch him. It just makes you wonder what they are thinking.My daughters hognose it the most entertaining. He hates me with a passion and coils up like a rattlesnake, hisses and strikes when I just walk in the room.
Funny thing is he doesn't try to bite, the strikes are all a bluff, he is a drama queen extraordinaire
I just found one of them on my front porch' his tail was short' I think they can regrow them' it was a large Fat Horned Lizard, one of largest I've seen. I gently picked it up and put it in our Oleanders that has low ground cover.He is hilarious, I'll have to try and get a video of the little monster.
Here is sam post shed, he is coming along nicely.