Sam has shed again, well, his body has. The tail is usually about a week behind.
He's starting to get that adult look and is becoming more spikey.
He has also became a lot more friendly. They definitely remember being mishandled by humans and its quite the challenge teaching them to trust again.
I'm really considering changing his name. Sam just doesn't fit him but I'm at a loss what would.
A good looking fella you have there. I love the spikes he is getting.
I didn't tell you the oopsie I had with my Peacock I got a couple of weeks ago. He or she needs a larger tank but right now I do not have time. The little bugger made a mad dash out the door just as I was shutting it and amputated half his or her tail. I felt so badNow I call him /her stumpy.
Oh no, I'm so sorry!Now I call him /her stumpy
They are very sneaky when they want to be, that is how Sneakers earned his name, at least he did not lose half his tail.Oh no, do they regenerate their tails at all? Sounds like they are sneaky little guys.