A misbehaving FO walks into a bar...

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Sep 27, 2022
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The FO crashes open the saloon-style doors, runs to the bar and slams down a fist full of cash. Pounding her fists, she throws back her head and screams, "BARKEEP! PINOT! PRONTO!" The bartender lazily looks up from polishing a glass and, in his best Dude interpretation, says, "Whoa whoa, whoa, whoa lil' lady...what's the hurry?" har har 🙄 :p

So, I'm planning to use a super fast, super darkening FO. The goal is to create a Taiwan swirl, and the naturally dark color is a perfect color match for one-third of the overall color scheme, and the scent fits the profile for what I'm trying to accomplish ... if I can pull this off.

I typically FO at ~3%. I like a scent that lingers on the skin for a few hours. This FO has a max use in soap of 20%.

Can I put ALL of the FO into one-third of the batter so I can get the color I want without disrupting the rest and still get a strong scent in the final bar.... without singeing off Ryan Reynolds my skin?

In other words, 100% of the FO in 30% of the batter, so 2/3 of the swirls are un-fragranced, and 1/3 is super potent.

Am I nuts?

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Are you going to weigh out the 1/3 and add 20% of that to the portion? If so, yes, you can do that but don't put 20% of the total batch oil weight into 1/3 of the soap. And TBH I don't think I would ever use 20% of FO ever, because it's not going to saponify and you will have all the 'free oil' wandering around causing problems.

Here's what I would do:
Work out what 1/3 of your batch weight is and then work out what 6% of that is. Add this amount of FO to that 1/3. (Ive never used more that 5% fragrance so this it out of my comfort zone). BUT you say it's an accelerating FO so whatcha gonna do to mitigate the imbalance of 1/3 of your batch accelerating while the other 2/3 is not? Do we know how badly it accelerates? To counter this I would add a further 2% of a decelerating FO or EO to that same third. I have some fragrances that are decelerating - and I often use them in this way. If yo are wedded to that particular fragrance can don't want to influence it with another - I would opt for a lemon, lime or orange EO because citrus can help slow offset acceleration. lemon EO in particular will not hold its scent, so will disappear over time.
Oh goodness no! I'm thinking of putting 3% of the batch oil weight (the total I would normally do for an entire batch) into 1/3 of the soap. Then swirling it up a bit in hopes it leeches around without colorizing too much.

I only included the max use percent to make mention that it's a FO with a high usage. I think I'd faint dead away if I ever used 20% - from the cost alone!

Interesting about the fading EO. I pondered matching this FO with something else to spread it out -- I typically blend FOs -- but its unique and I couldn't come up with anything to pair it with without disturbing its nice balance. VERY interesting that lemon fades.

Thank you so much!
So..... I went for it. The oils were actually cooling as I started this thread last night. :rolleyes: 🤭 Acceleration and discoloration absolutely lived up to the reviews.
Dark Kiss (type) - Fragrance Oil

This little experiment was interesting because I was prepared for acceleration, so I soaped at my lowest temperature ever and enjoyed playing with such a light trace. It was fun! I got my colors ready, clay blended, portioned off the thirds, and waited until the last possible moment to ad the FO. Good I did because, within seconds, the batter was neon yellow pudding. 🤣 Fortunately, I could coax it into the dividers, it stayed just moveable enough.

I screwed up the swirl, forgot a step, and in hindsight, I should've used a wider-diameter stick for swirling. It looks like the end result will be a gloppy mess visually. But I LOVE the chocolate brown color. And I'm so excited to have a strong dark color that, I presume, won't color the lather. I can't stand that.

I sliced it this morning. Will be interesting to watch what it does for the next few days.

I do this for the creative outlet, the sheer fascination of it, and to share something handmade with friends & family. So if the end result is off, as long as it's a good bar of soap, no big deal. The primary mission of this thread to was to ensure that I wasn't creating a harmful item by concentrating my FO on one portion of the batter.

Here's a peek after I sliced the slabs, the bottom shows the brown, the interior still shows the neon yellow:


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