Creamsoap, I just had to try it out.
I bought the creamsoap book and joined the yahoo group and tried out a recipe. I began yesterday, not sure if I will try it again...
foto.JPG by Ileandra, on Flickr
here's the soap in the slowcooker, added the lye and it became caramel texture like pretty fast. I cooked it till there was no zap, but my mixture wasn't as rockhard as the one I see in the pictures of other creamsoapmakers. So I just put it in a bowl and let it set for today.
I woke up today and the mixture was rock hard :shock: (it wouldn't be out of place in a log mold ready to be cut into bars....) so I started cutting it in smaller pieces and with a handmixer I tried to get it more cream-like, yeah right, that wasn't gonna happen in the first 30 minutes... A lot of mixing, an exhausted handmixer and a lot of water later I'm left with more the 4 liters of creamsoap x'D
foto.JPG by Ileandra, on Flickr
After an hour of slicing, mixing and a kitchen where there's soap everywhere this is the result, don't think it's that bad.
foto.JPG by Ileandra, on Flickr
Maybe I need more research, I don't know. I think I like 'normal' slices of soap more (I just got used to them after using years of liquid surfactant based soaps). I don't know and I'm not sure but I think some thinks went wrong (I should have filmed it ^^,) .the mixture doesn't really feel nice on the skin (not irritating or anything, just not nice. A few weeks of riping will probably help)
All this sure was an adventure!
Thank you for watching!
I bought the creamsoap book and joined the yahoo group and tried out a recipe. I began yesterday, not sure if I will try it again...
foto.JPG by Ileandra, on Flickr
here's the soap in the slowcooker, added the lye and it became caramel texture like pretty fast. I cooked it till there was no zap, but my mixture wasn't as rockhard as the one I see in the pictures of other creamsoapmakers. So I just put it in a bowl and let it set for today.
I woke up today and the mixture was rock hard :shock: (it wouldn't be out of place in a log mold ready to be cut into bars....) so I started cutting it in smaller pieces and with a handmixer I tried to get it more cream-like, yeah right, that wasn't gonna happen in the first 30 minutes... A lot of mixing, an exhausted handmixer and a lot of water later I'm left with more the 4 liters of creamsoap x'D
foto.JPG by Ileandra, on Flickr
After an hour of slicing, mixing and a kitchen where there's soap everywhere this is the result, don't think it's that bad.
foto.JPG by Ileandra, on Flickr
Maybe I need more research, I don't know. I think I like 'normal' slices of soap more (I just got used to them after using years of liquid surfactant based soaps). I don't know and I'm not sure but I think some thinks went wrong (I should have filmed it ^^,) .the mixture doesn't really feel nice on the skin (not irritating or anything, just not nice. A few weeks of riping will probably help)
All this sure was an adventure!
Thank you for watching!