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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score
Queensland Australia
I haven't posted a pic in a while so hopefully this works. Just a few photos of some soaps and my "soap room" :)

Whipped Soap

Was supposed to have purple swirls in it but obviously didn't work :)

Goats milk soap that I just did. Does it look normal? Looks really dark to me.

My soap room :)

Rebatched soap that I scented with lots of citrus EO's....smelled wonderful...and my gorgeous little helper in the background ♥

Again :)

My gorgeous helpers :)

Don't ever be sorry for posting photos!

Enjoyed them all, particularly the shots of your two helpers! :)

:lol: Your little helpers are cute!
Your goatsmilk looks overheated; but as GM is not my thing you'd have to ask an expert :wink:
Love the rebatch.
wow!!! Love all of them! The GM does look over heated, but should be fine, just a beautiful carmel color! Love your little helpers :wink:
I WANT that whipped soap!!!! I love it. It's like a big piece of cake. What did you scent it with? I totally want to try that.
Love your cute little helpers! Adorable and your soap looks great! Clever idea with the bed/table, did you put a board under the cover?
Love your pictures .You could never post to many :D . Your soap room has a great set up, nice soap too . Your helpers sure are cutie pies. :D

oh wow! That whipped soap looks awesome! And I love your space!

Your girls are gorgeous!
Thanks everyone!! Yeah, my goats milk soap is a little dark but not too bad. After 24hrs its turned into a medium creamy beige colour so I guess it could've been worse.

And no Dixie, no board under the cover but thats a good idea :) I mostly just use the bed to cure my soap and hold all my goodies. I do the dirty work in the kitchen or garage :)
Question on the whipped soap? Did you use titanium dioxide to whiten further and did you use a Nizzy recipe? I am curious how you get yours to stay light. I did get mine light this last time, but needed to chill the lye and the oils after blending them. Did your recipe have any OO in it?

BTW, looks great!
No Jarvan I didn't use any TD. It was just really white and creamy. I actually blended in some purple so it would've been much whiter if I would have left that out. I did use OO and no it wasn't Nizzy's recipe. I make lots of angel food cake so I felt right at home with this method! :lol: I chilled my lye in an ice bath for a few minutes but it was still a bit warm. I used CO, Palm oil, OO, Castor oil, and Lard. I think it will be an excellent bar of soap. Can't wait to use them :)
jarvan said:
Question on the whipped soap? Did you use titanium dioxide to whiten further and did you use a Nizzy recipe?

Normally the solid oils/butters used in whipped soap give a very white result and colors you use will end up pastal looking.

First make your lye solution and let it chill, either by putting it on ice or in the freezer. I then soften my solid oils/butters (75%), whip them, chill, whip while slowly adding the liquid oils (25%, kept in the fridge). Slowly add the lye solution and whip some more. You'll reconise by the constistancy if you'd have to do some more chillin'& wippin' :wink: :lol:
Gorgeous! and your girlies too - soooo sweet :D

I saw an image in your gallery, black with chunks and a white top : absolutely crazy - I love that.

I hope that you know which one I mean, because I am not allowed to post your pic in my post of course ;) Would you mind telling me about that (rebatch?) soap? TIA

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