3rd try at tiger swirls, love them!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Glenwood Springs, Colorado
So I had the absolute work week from hades and was feeling totally despondent last night, and with a batch of lye and oils that I knew I had screwed up to boot. I figured I had nothing to lose, and with some math backtracking managed to fix the quantities. My first two tiger swirl attempts were fails, pretty in their own way but not what I was aiming for. This one is a beginner's effort, but I'm pleased with its simplicity. The first pic is the sturm and drang I was feeling, the second an attempt at restoring order to my chaotic life these days :)

The fragrance: Daystar's Belle Morte, one of my forever favorite FOs. The colors: Rose clay with some BB Pink Bubblegum, a purple mica from theconservatory.com, and activated charcoal. The name: Wings of a Raven.

Definitely not perfect. It set up on me really fast, and obviously I hadn't completely blended everything, so have white flecks. Oh well, I learned a lot from this attempt.


Well looking at that soap should cheer you up after your bad week. Seriously nailed it. Love the moody blend of colours and the tigers stripes are spot on. The photo set up is cool too. I hope your success put a smile on your dial.