my husband and I went back and forth on getting a 3d printer and if so, which one, it probably took us a year to decide. In the end the decision came to me wanting something already set up and ready to go, and him needing to print with filaments that require an enclosure (ABS) If you feel comfortable putting stuff together though, the one you suggested would probably work well. I noticed that it says that it comes semi assembled and that you will need to finish putting it together. However, this is quite common for most 3d printers.
There was a considerable learning curve, but I do enjoy having it and use it often. For PLA filament, you don’t need an enclosure, which is the filament most often used for soap scrapers, extruders, etc.
To design stuff, the free tinkercad software has been enough for me so far. I do make my own images using photoshop and a free online converter before importing them to it though.
Have fun shopping for one, though it can be confusing. Youtube reviews and demos were helpful for us.