1st four batches ever!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2012
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First batch was just a basic recipe with some lemon grass EO add in

Second batch is the basic recipe with Lavender and Chamomile Tea and Lemon grass and Tea Tree EO.

The third is a new recipe. It is a bay rum batch with multiple EO's and bay leaves.

The fourth batch is my crazy creation. It gets its coloring from tobacco juice. Thats right. I had some laying around since I quit chewing and thought it would make a great soap. I was right. Some Bay Rum FO and some Cinnamon Orange Clover EO. I am super excited.

Another note, I was wondering if anybody could tell me what the lines are from in the tobacco soap. It also happened in my first batch. The recipe is as follows:

21.4oz Olive Oil
2.6oz Coconut Oil
2.6oz Castor Oil
2.6oz Sweet Almond Oil
2.6oz Grape Seed Oil
4.3oz Lye
11.4oz Water

I have never ran this through soapcalc just because I got the recipe from one of our city guys and I have seen his soap. The only thing is that he does HP and all of my soaps are CP.


Sorry they did not post as I added them. The first two batches are the tobacco and bay rum soaps and the second two are the Lemongrass and Lavender and Chamomile soaps.
Your soap looks very nice. I'm sorry but I can't see lines in the tobacco soap. Did you gel the batch? I can make a guess and suggest partial gel but I really don't know. Also, the recipe looks fine other than a low SF. You'll have to let us know what you think of it.
Congratulations! Now, the tough part comes -waiting for the cure. :D
Those look great! Love the scent combos. What is tobacco juice? As a former user of chewing tobacco, the image in my head isn't a good one. How did you use the bay leaves?
Hazel- You will have to excuse me. I have heard the term "gelling" but I am not really familiar with what it actually is. The lines I was talking about is the contrast of brown and white. They do go away as it cures though. Also, when using the lemongrass and the lavender tea soap, I can take off a layer that looks like vaseline. It lathers up fine and I have hard water. Is this indicative of CP soap or is there something I can do so it doesn't happen?

Heyjude-I couldn't help myself and used my pocket knife to scrape off a piece of the tobacco juice soap and it is awesome.

Ucm-I took leaf tobacco and soaked it in water then I just squeezed all the juice out of it. I forgot to use distilled water so I only used 6oz. out of 11.4oz's of water. Crazy I know, but it smells awesome and lathers up great. I used some my father-in-law gave me a long time ago called Tequilla Sunrise. I also threw in some bay rum FO and Cinnamon Orange Clover EO. I crushed the bay leaves as best as I could then put them in a blending bottle I use to make my protein drinks. That didn't work very well either. I am hoping the stems won't be scratchy. Speaking of that, if you haven't tried tea in your soap you should. It has a light scrubbing effect. I just poured it in straight from the bags.
Speaking of that, if you haven't tried tea in your soap you should. It has a light scrubbing effect. I just poured it in straight from the bags.

I did make a couple of batches this weekend. A black tea and Lemongrass (with tea grounds), and Coffee (with coffee grounds)



I thought the brown and white in the soap was swirls. :lol: You mean you didn't intend it to have two different colors in it? I thought it looks great.

Gelling is when the soap gets hot because of the saponification process (chemical reaction of oils & lye creates heat) and looks kind of translucent and gel-like. A comparison often used to describe the appearance is it looks and has a texture very similar to Vaseline. Once the saponification is complete, the batch will cool back down and harden. Here's a link to a discussion about gelling/not gelling which may better explain it. http://soapmakingforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=31429 I know there are more topics concerning gelling that you can search for if you want.

The lemongrass/lavender tea soap's top looks like Vaseline? Do you mean it's soft like Vaseline or it's more translucent like Vaseline? Because if it's soft, then that's not a good thing. However, if it's hard yet a little translucent looking like Vaseline, this could be a result of gelling and the combination of oils. I've had a few batches which had a translucent/glossy sheen to them but I really liked the look.

@ ucmj22

Nice looking soap! I especially like the black tea and lemongrass.
Nice looking tea ucm. I have not tried the coffee grounds before. I am going to have to get a wavy cutter. Especially since deer season is coming around and I am currently using my butcher knife to cut soap.

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