Okay Jen emailed me back and provided more information. The product at Lotioncrafter isn't really just stearic acid -
EMERSOL® 7036 is the supplier's name and they do
sell it as 57-11-4 (which I find strange). It is a mix of Palmitic, stearic and others (in that order of predominance). Looking at the Emersol product line, it appears that the
EMERSOL® 153 NF would be a more pure stearic at
>= 95%. This product bears the same CAS number which I must admit confuses me greatly. I want to be clear I don't think Jen was being disingenuous, and she did provide the MSDS which I should have read first.
So I must admit I am at a little bit of a loss - I created the original recipe with stearic acid but the original supplier does not have any available. If we have a theoretic 100% pure stearic acid vs a theoretic pure "other" product at 55/45% and compare them we find the following:
Molar mass of Stearic Acid: 284.48
Molar mass of mixed acid: 271.854
Difference: 4.4%
My recipe uses 53% stearic acid so that's an effective difference of 2.35%. If the recipe was figured for real stearic acid, then using this mix would result in a lye surplus of 2.35% applied to the recipe which was 5% lye discount anyway - so the effect is a soap that's only 2.65% superfat.
Now then a Real Good Question™ would be: Was the original SAP value used to calculate the recipe right?
By molar ratios, pure SA's SAP value would be 0.141, SoapCalc has it as 0.141 so this is correct. The mixed acid product would have an SAP of 0.147. So, the way I figured my recipe stands but if someone uses the mix it will result in a lower superfat than originally planned.
AND ... I have "stearic acid" that's just perfectly fine for most things but is not how I originally planned the recipe. What to do? Anyone know where I can get actual Stearic Acid?
Those are my problems. The casual observer may be wondering what they are to do if they want to make this. Well, I did two test batches this evening, one from my dwindling supply of real SA and one from the new "SA" (adjusted back to a 5% SF). In a week I will try them blindly (I'll have the darling wife help) and see what I think of the difference, if any. Will two carbon atoms and two hydrogen atoms amake a difference? Stay tuned!