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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. T

    I so need recipe help.

    This newbie needs some serious help. I read the post on favorite recipes and got a few ideas. I need to find a good recipe using what I have (Palm oil, palm kernal flakes, coco butter, shea butter, castor oil, rice bran oil, grape seed oil. I have also read what each oils will do and but it all...
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    Hello From Michigan :D

    welcome. I look forward to see all of your pictures!
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    grapeseed oil

    just soap for now.
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    grapeseed oil

    does anyone have a recipe using it and Would be willing to share. Thanks!
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    How do I use honey powder?

    my partner bought it becuse she thought it s ounded interesting and was on sale. We are both new at soap making and have no idea what to do with it. HELP!!!!
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    coloring question.

    because I am new I have not tried to color a batch at all but I have been thinking about it. so my questions are 1. what do you use? 2. how easy is it to use? 3. any tips that you have learned by trial and error? - i really don't know if I should use mica or something else. anything you all can...
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    Thanks, everyone!!!!! I am so excited to make my first batch. A friend of mine are making it a week from today (the only day we have off together). we have taken a class and read everything I can find and of course there is always youtube. I was scared at first but then once I took the class I...
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    Hey from Minnesota

    I have not made a batch yet but a week from today my friend and I are going to make our first batch (wish us luck). I too have read everything I can get my hands on and we took a class. I understand your worry. I have my sister coming over to make sure my dog stays out of the way while we work...
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    Hello from Australia

    welcome!!!! I am new here too!!! I sure look forward to getting to know everyone and make tons of soap!!!
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    I am in Fort Wayne. Not too far from you then. :wave:
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    Hi, from Indiana!!! I am new here and new to soap making. I am so excited to "meet" everyone and to learn all there is about soap!