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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Hi - I'm Cheri. Last month, I signed up for CP soap making class. I'm super duper excited and I know this is going to be a life-long hobby. Since signing up, I've started purchasing the basic supplies, but am waiting to go to the class before I purchase soap ingredient stuff. I've been lurking around here, trying to absorb as much information as possible. I've been reading books and everything I can on the internet. I think I'm ready to do this.

My biggest concern is: My parrot. Do any of you have birds? If so, where do you mix your lye/water? I'm worried about the toxic fumes of the lye hurting my bird. How long does the fumes stick around? I could do this in my garage, but it's maybe 20 degrees in my garage. Brrrrr. I don't want to wait until June to make soap! Does the soap give off fumes as it's curing?

My other question: Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should make for my first batch? Something easy of course. I have looked at some of the kits on various suppliers websites, but still a bit unsure. I have read enough to feel confident in trying FO, EO, etc. I'm so undecided. I would like to hear from my much more experienced soaper friends and get some real advice.

Many Thanks!!!
Hi - I'm Cheri. Last month, I signed up for CP soap making class. I'm super duper excited and I know this is going to be a life-long hobby. Since signing up, I've started purchasing the basic supplies, but am waiting to go to the class before I purchase soap ingredient stuff. I've been lurking around here, trying to absorb as much information as possible. I've been reading books and everything I can on the internet. I think I'm ready to do this.

My biggest concern is: My parrot. Do any of you have birds? If so, where do you mix your lye/water? I'm worried about the toxic fumes of the lye hurting my bird. How long does the fumes stick around? I could do this in my garage, but it's maybe 20 degrees in my garage. Brrrrr. I don't want to wait until June to make soap! Does the soap give off fumes as it's curing?

My other question: Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should make for my first batch? Something easy of course. I have looked at some of the kits on various suppliers websites, but still a bit unsure. I have read enough to feel confident in trying FO, EO, etc. I'm so undecided. I would like to hear from my much more experienced soaper friends and get some real advice.

Many Thanks!!!

Hello!! Good cold morning BRRRR. I am from the Twin Cities too :) I got into soapmaking probably about a month ago, been reading books from the library, watching YT videos and reading forums. I suggest you start with something basic. No colorants, no additives, just the basic ingredients - lye, water, oil so you can get a feel for the actual process. I just made my first batch a few days ago! It feels so rewarding :) I cant wait to keep learning and making more. This forum is full of very nice and helpful people, I am sure you will learn a lot from the experts!
Welcome to the forum. At the present time, I make soap in my kitchen. I mix my lye and water in my kitchen sink next to an open window. I would just move the bird to a closed room while I was making soap. If you open a window and turn on the vent fan then the lye fumes should not linger.
Hello and welcome to the forum Cheri! I agree with chrysvan about not adding any colorants to your first batch. Believe me, I understand how much you want to (I just made my first batch last night). It is a matter of getting a feel for how the process works without the changes that colorants and FO or EOs will add to the way the soap emulsifies. I know for myself that actually seeing the way things looked in the bowl as I mixed it was different that watching it on a video and I learned from the process. No, it is not as exciting as making a scented and/or colored batch, but I think it is still important to get the basics down first.
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Well, my bird is in the kitchen, so making soap in the kitchen is not an option. My basement is not ventilated enough, so I think it will have to be my garage. It's warming up. Maybe by the end of the month (my class is on the 21st), it will be in the upper 30s. Then again, I might be worrying too much about nothing (which I've been known to do). I will keep you posted.
Hello! As already stated, you want to make sure you do it in a ventilated area. I live in Northern IN and have been weighing my ingredients inside, but mixing my lye/liquid solution in my garage with the door open. Since the lye mix gets VERY hot (200 degrees or more depending on your liquid) it's ok to leave it in my cold garage for a while to cool down. I've even set my covered lye picture into a mound of snow to cool off :) I've ALSO used fresh snow as my liquid quite a few times!!
I have not made a batch yet but a week from today my friend and I are going to make our first batch (wish us luck). I too have read everything I can get my hands on and we took a class. I understand your worry. I have my sister coming over to make sure my dog stays out of the way while we work. I sure can't wait!!!!!!!!