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  1. A

    Salt Bars- Liquid to dissolve lye (and super fat %)

    I was reading a few of the treads regarding salt bars, which I have been making at times for several years. I have been using different liquids to dissolve the lye and was interested to read what other people have done, for instance I think the addition of extra coconut milk power (by Irish...
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    Salt Bar with Avocado Oil

    Thanks for that advice!
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    My first salt bar

    Well done, Lovely colour. Thanks for the idea about the mould using "junk around the house"
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    Salt Bar-Long Cure Time, Why?

    I have made a few Salt bar batches and very often (almost universally) I read that Salt bars benefit from a long cure time, they then seem to be more mellow. So now I am curious. Is this anecdotal or does someone please have some sound ideas as to why do you think this is so...
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    Salt Bar with Avocado Oil

    My most recent salt bars- only one day old, they are very hard, feel quite smooth and lather quite well but need to cure much more before I can really use them and report. They were a lovely green colour but now seem to be turning a little beige, but still look quite nice and rustic. The brown...
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    Vanilla Extract fail.

    Hi There is a “vanilla” fragrant oil available (in Australia) which I have used. You might want to try obtaining some but I have found it is a bit disappointing as the fragrance is good and strong, but it colours the soap a dark chocolate brown- which looks nice- but makes a mess in the (bath...
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    A Semi-regular soap with a high Salt content.

    I made this soap a few days ago: Coconut 58% (2000g) Olive oil 25% (850g) Cocoa Butter 4% (150g) Shea Butter 2% (70g) Lard 7% (250g) Castor oil 4% (130g) Oat milk (frozen) 1litre and 320ml water ( Ice cubes) Lye 500g (discounted 13%, i.e. 13% super- fat) 25% (860g) Fine table salt added at...
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    First Salt Bars

    Very nice salt bars!
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    Almond Milk Salty Bar

    This recipe is very similar to ones supplied by IrishLass -thank you, and to all who have provided help and information about salt bars thanks your help is greatly appreciated! Almond Milk Salty Bars: Coconut oil 98% Cocoa butter 2% Sea salt 27% of weight of oils (about 800g), 14% superfat...
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    Salt Bars first attempt

    By alan117 at 2012-06-03[/img] By alan117 at 2012-06-03[/img] By alan117 at 2012-06-03[/img] Hi Here are some photos of my first attempt at a salt bar. The recipe: Coconut oil 3065gr (90.5%); Coco Butter 190gr (5.6%); Shea Butter 90gr (2.6%); Castor oil 40gr (1.1%); Lye 500gr; Water...
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    soaps by Jove

    Nice soaps!! They all look very good. What fats and oils did you use? Did it “set” quite quickly after tracing and adding scent? I find swirling and colouring frustrating I always seem to run out of time after tracing starts.
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    Sea Water Homestyle Savon de Marseille

    Dragonkaz- thanks for you help and for displaying the photos. Bizarrely I cannot see "Embed this image" on the ImageShack webpage or on the soapmakingforum webpage-I have looked right and left!! I have only let the soaps cure for about 2 weeks now. Before I give them away for people to...
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    Sea Water Homestyle Savon de Marseille

    Sorry I thought the images would upload automatically! Perhaps this will work: Or perhaps you can help- how can I display images directly on this page? Thanks
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    Sea Water Homestyle Savon de Marseille

    Hi Here are some pictures of my homemade style “Savon de Marseille” 73% Olive oil (2,585gr) 27% Coconut (950gm) Lye (500gm) Sea Water (from Western Australia) 1, 2 litre I added about two table spoons titanium dioxide to the sea water and lye mix. I never bother to measure the...