My most recent salt bars- only one day old, they are very hard, feel quite smooth and lather quite well but need to cure much more before I can really use them and report.
They were a lovely green colour but now seem to be turning a little beige, but still look quite nice and rustic.
The brown colour is possibly from heat generated (and then discolouring the milk) when in the mixture is in the moulds, what do you think?
I didn’t add any colouring or try any swirling etc.
This is the recipe:
Coconut oil 81%
Avocado oil 14%
Shea Butter 3.5%
Castor oil 1.5%
Super Fat 17%
1 litre frozen Goats milk and about 350ml water (ice cubes)
Fine table salt (2kg) (= 60% of weight of fats and oils) at light trace.
They were a lovely green colour but now seem to be turning a little beige, but still look quite nice and rustic.
The brown colour is possibly from heat generated (and then discolouring the milk) when in the mixture is in the moulds, what do you think?
I didn’t add any colouring or try any swirling etc.
This is the recipe:
Coconut oil 81%
Avocado oil 14%
Shea Butter 3.5%
Castor oil 1.5%
Super Fat 17%
1 litre frozen Goats milk and about 350ml water (ice cubes)
Fine table salt (2kg) (= 60% of weight of fats and oils) at light trace.