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  1. Elise

    New Here

    Welcome among us !
  2. Elise

    Will it separate?

    What's your recipe? How long since you poured? My high olive oil soaps take a while to set. The temperarure can also impact how fast your batter will solidify, so it will be easier for others to help you with a bit more details ;) Looking only at your picture, everything look fine but it has to...
  3. Elise

    Hi everyone 😄😄😄

    Yes you can definitely not think too much about the caracteristics soapcalc gives of your recipe. They are very loose indicators.
  4. Elise

    Where did you learn to soap?

    To add hardness to bars mainly. I use a lot of liquid oils. I find that it also make the soap last longer and be gentler. If you want to try it I advise you to research "bees wax" here on the forum. If you add too much it will impact the foam of your soap negatively. I mainly use it in my honey...
  5. Elise

    Hi everyone 😄😄😄

    Welcome among us ! Your soaps are beautiful ! I'm looking forward to see the next ones ! The consensus is indeed that luxury oils are wasted in soap. My own opinion is that they may add something to the user experience, the feel of the foam... So if you try them and like them and can afford...
  6. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I hope we'll get a picture !
  7. Elise

    Thought I had conquered DOS... it's back! At a loss :(

    Crossing fingers for you. If it ends up being your water residue from washing, I will be amazed by how something so unsignificant to me can have such consequences.
  8. Elise

    Thought I had conquered DOS... it's back! At a loss :(

    Same here. Beautiful soaps. As for your problem, I won't be of much help. You sound like you make everything right and take many precautions, more than I do and I'm lucky enough to have never encountered DOS yet, even with very high % of canola oil. I'm not bragging as I don't feel safe from it...
  9. Elise

    Christmas 2024

    I love this thread, thank you.
  10. Elise

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I stamped, beveled and stored for curing the last soap I made this summer. I'm away on a roadtrip now and won't be able de make soap for a while. It is a loaf of lavender soap. I tried my hand on an ombre using alkanet as a color, hoping for a purple. But I think I would need to figure out a...
  11. Elise

    Grams vs. Ounces

    I also never understood why grams would be more precise than ounces, but the fact that this belief is widely spread among the soapmaking community made most of the content in english more accessible to me, since so many american soapmakers share recipes or advices for aditives in grams. As...
  12. Elise

    Why do you like making soap?

    Yes ! Yes ! Kind of. It is more that I like the feeling of showering woth something I mafe ly self and so being able to tell whate makes it the way it is. And I do try to make gentle soaps. I don't have skin problems. Yes ! I like that I can learn so many things also. Yes I like making...
  13. Elise

    Adding CA to rebatched soap to lower PH

    Thank you. I just read your two articles and they aswer all the questions I had or didn't know I had on PH ;)
  14. Elise

    Adding CA to rebatched soap to lower PH

    Do you mean that some fatty acids make a more alkaline soap than others? Is there a chart or a list somewhere you could point me to? I'd live to read more about that.
  15. Elise

    Where did you learn to soap?

    I was taught the very basis by a friend. He introduced me to soapcalc and how to use predissolved lye. Then I did my own research to create soaps that I like a bit more and add other ingredients like goat milk, honey, infusions... Use citric acid, sugar, salt, wax... I read a lot of websites...
  16. Elise

    Honey in Balms

    I found it too just yesterday ! I have all the ingredients so I may try it when I'll have more time, when summer is over.
  17. Elise

    How to use this madder root

    Here you go :
  18. Elise

    How to use this madder root

    The pigments of indigo have to be extracted first, before being used is soapmaking. I bought leaves powder that had just been dried and didn't undergo any treatment. My understanding is that it would just make browning greenish soap. I will probably make a thread comparing the use of this...
  19. Elise

    Honey in Balms

    Thank you ! I'll try that when I'll finish my crurent lip balm.
  20. Elise

    Honey in Balms

    Oh no :( I recently bought lanolin to try in soap and I would have loved to also using it in balm. How do you think they do the Egyptian magic balm ? I like it and always thought I could easily replicate it (maybe omiting the royal jelly), but now that I read this thread I don't know... The...