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  1. C

    My rashes and eczema journey

    @Shelley D hope you get answers you need to feel better. For awhile when I was still eating sugar, I wouldn't buy premade sweets. If I wanted something sweet I made myself cook it, so at least it didn't have a bunch of extra stuff added to it. Cookies you can make a head and freeze the dough in...
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    My rashes and eczema journey

    If you don't spot anything that stands out on the label, take a photo of the ingredients and share it here. We can point out any questionable ingredients and what they are tied to.
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    My rashes and eczema journey

    All those fruits are histamine producing and some are high nickel. You may be interested in this @Shelley D I sure hope you get it figured out🙏. Sometimes figuring out allergies is like peeling an onion, each layer reveals something new...
  4. C

    Long time scroller, first time poster!

    Welcome, can't wait to see your soaps.
  5. C

    Moisturiser for Eczema

    My allergist told me I could test ingredients by rubbing a small amount on a small spot on the inside of my arm, 2 times a day for a week. I reacted to sulfates in patch tests. I bought small bags of ingredients for a few dollars and had the allergist prep & test with them while they were...
  6. C

    Ugly soap how-to guide

    @KiwiMoose that's the prettiest ugly soap I've ever seen!
  7. C

    Electric jerky gun?

    Peppa pig, enjoy your time with the little ones! I babysat my grandson for the first 5+ years of his life. I can talk you through everything when you are ready. If the opening is the right size in the top near the trigger...I should be able to send you the g-code(the g-code has the stop to add...
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    Electric jerky gun?

    they are 16"long, it was so fast!
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    Electric jerky gun?

    @Vicki C today I used a drill to extruder a couple embeds, it worked great!There is a 1/4 inch socket adapter and 12mm 6 point socket kobalt(Lowe's) on the end of the contraption I made to spin the eye bolt.This is what the pieces look like, they screw together and I put another piece of...
  10. C

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    @Vicki C That is super cool looking soap!!
  11. C

    Banana Water?!?

    Beautiful soaps, your swirls came out amazing! My curiosity got me after looking at the label on the banana water. It seems banana water is made by chopping up banana peels and soaking them in water.
  12. C

    February 2025 SMF Challenge: Scrub-a-dub-dub!

    So many amazing & beautiful scrubby soaps this month! I'm glad I don't have to vote this month!
  13. C

    February 2025 SMF Challenge: Scrub-a-dub-dub!

    @akseattle cool soap with a fun story! You may want to add/insert a thumbnail of your entry photo with your curser somewhere above the lush photo. "The first photo in your entry thread post will be used as the entry photo for voting."
  14. C

    Electric jerky gun?

    @Vicki C, lovely... safe travels! I'll be waving back👋
  15. C

    Electric jerky gun?

    @Vicki C things have been rolling around in my head since I read your post on the electric jerky maker. I finally figured out how to make 2 threaded parts that fit together on the 3d printer. I made a big plastic nut and a piece to go through the top cover of my jerky maker with an embedded...
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    January 2025 SMF Challenge - Confetti!

    Congratulations @Mobjack Bay love the bright party colors and @basti the cats are so cute! What a great challenge, with so many beautiful soaps! Thank you @Vicki C !!
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    January 2025 SMF Challenge - Confetti!

    Your entry is pretty, I glanced at it and thought of gold fish and minnows... Is it really orange or just my phone showing it orange?
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    January 2025 SMF Challenge - Confetti!

    That's really pretty, to bad it's not 50%.
  19. C

    Cindy D.'s soaps

    My Dad passed away last April, the night I entered my cake photo into the soap challenge. He was a great man and would help anyone if they needed help. He fixed things if they broke, if he couldn't fix it he'd find someone who could. He was always scooping out other neighbors driveways with his...
  20. C

    January 2025 SMF Challenge - Confetti!

    @VikingChick thank you! ❤️ I was having trouble posting my photos also until I changed the settings on my phone camera to 12m. Just to the right of top center, on my phone, normally it's set at 64m.