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  1. B

    labcolor question (bb)

    Ok-my bottles were NOT 10ml bottles-maybe that's why. I looked on their website and couldn't find the instructions-thanks very much!! Have you found any that have affected your soap negatively?
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    Soap ricing

    I'm not familiar with how to HP-I put it out to cure. Can I still HP it? And I'm not entirely sure it fully wasn't as "gloppy" as the pics I've seen of ricing. Can it do it just a little?
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    labcolor question (bb)

    So I was checking thru archives on labcolors info-to see about how much I should use and whether that would react funny with my soap...but I digress) So found a thread that said labcolors should be diluted "as directed".....except mine didn't come with directions to dilute. Uh-and I put tons...
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    Well, I must say-I have ordered quite a few things from different companies-and I really, really like Brambleberry. Their stuff has come fast and no issues at all-even in super heat.
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    Mature content: ETSY shop erotica

    The artistic quality is pretty good-all I can say as I sit on my heffalump pregnant touchie is her rear-end had better be airbrushed or photoshopped. Oh-and I don't think I could model for those pics as I don't particularly like the feel of "real tentacles" (ok ok...or ANY tentacles.)
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    Soap ricing

    I'm not entirely sure-but I think my soap "riced" right at the end. I quick dumped it into the mold after mixing it a bit more (the FO seemed to do it-yay! ech...) It wasn't super "brainy" but.... am wondering-do I let it sit in the mold the way I normally would-and if it did rice-what are...
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    Black Soap

    Hahaha-I just envisioned it to be like flour when you turn the mixer on too fast.....POOF!!! Although, maybe near Halloween everybody would just acept that!!! I found another thread-about the charcoal-but I do not want to grind it up even further. Will check out the places you mentioned...
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    Black Soap

    how much charcoal do you put in? Just to your color taste-I just can't picture putting the charcoal in-I would be terrified of "powder" all over my stove and self (and how does one clean THAT up?) I definitely think this would be fun for Halloween. Hmmm...not sure where to buy that-gonna have...
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    Just-For-Soap Pre-Blended Oil Combos

    I haven't used this company-but for my first soap batch I did but a predone kit. The oils came seperately-with oz on the recipe. They were not batched together. Persoanlly this was great for 2 reasons-I knew how many oz of each oil (I changed it slightly-with a soapcalc) and I had oils...
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    Southern Soapers going out of business

    I'm super curious-Ian....what's with the "karma"? Dish dish!! Someone is bound to buy it, right? I wonder how much she's going to try to sell it for. Seems it would be worth a lot.
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    Just a few more

    I kinda like the intestine one.
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    Everytime she posts I don't know whether to cry or just gawk in amazement.......
  13. B

    "neat" soap

    hahaha-funny! In simple terms-"neat" is like "pure" soap right? I just wondered why you waould want to calculate the amount of neat soap in a bar-does it help you determine the superfatting? LOVE the article-super helpful! (also interesting.) Thanks!!
  14. B

    Newbie soaps!

    eh-meant freezer paper....der. Ok so used my molds again (for my swap soap-yippee!!) and used the teeniest amount of sesame oil (it's waht I had-no mineral oil)...also left them in longer, and froze them before popping out. Came out beautifully! I don't know-my Tupperware small container...
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    80% of it is Just Showing Up

    I'm not into business so much-but seriously-that 80% has got to be higher...I mean, I was JUST thinking today if I could just GO DO IT.....(course I was thinking laundry, but the same applies.) I've never heard the contentment-but it's definitely true.
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    New to soap making, some general questions

    As for the lye-I just asked what types of drain cleaners they had....they go thru the general list and I ask if any of them are 100% lye. Some do-some don''s kinda hit or miss since Red Devil pulled from the market.
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    "neat" soap

    Is there a % of "neat" soap content that you should strive for? I understand not superfatting too high. I used the Summer Bee Meadow calculator earlier today-and it had a "neat" soap %. (I understand what "neat" soap is. Just have never seen an actual amount calculated.) also-this is a...
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    just have been sold out recently

    I love the beautiful soap you make.
  19. B

    Newbie soaps!

    Thanks! I was considering just using wax paper - as I was concerned putting any type of oil might weird the soap out in some way..... have a log mold.(I think my Glad containers would melt so I'm not using them.....)
  20. B

    Lavender Question

    Ooooohhhhh lavender vodka!!!! Hmmm....guess you meant for a cosmetic though. Thanks for all the thoughts! If I ever venture past my simple soaps-maybe I'll try them. (Some sound really nice for lotions or lip balms.)