Mature content: ETSY shop erotica

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my only comment is a question, really - why did you search on "nude+fishermans+wife" in the first place :p

I think it's really neat. I can picture in my mind's eye the kind of apartment in which it might be hung. not mine - I'm too "earth" though.
LOL carebear. I'm just odd that way.

I had stumbled across it once upon a time and wanted to find it again to see how their sales were going. They sell very well.
The photos are love/hate for me. They are very arousing but the thought of a corpse on a naked body is also icky.
i guess maybe they shouldn't state that it is a corpse, lol. i never even thought about it being dead until you said something though.
Tabitha said:
The photos are love/hate for me. They are very arousing but the thought of a corpse on a naked body is also icky.

Yeah, I think that's my issue. Ick! A dead, wet, slimy thing...yuck.
I think because its different and I havent seen it before its intriguing in a sort of mermaid way.... it looks cool in the picture, but if I was that model id be seriously grossed out... .having been raised in the restaurant industry and seeing and cleaning enough seafood to feed a nation... ugggh


But Id still buy them and hang them up... love nude art. My lady on the other hand not sure what she thinks of it...
When I first viewed it a few months back I was disturbed. I am drawn more & more to it now. It is certainly provoking emotions, which I am sure was the intent. Erotica and fetish art often walk a fine line. That is what makes it so effective, IMHO.
On first glance I thought it was tendrils of wet hair, and Ian's right, very mermaid-ish.
I like it/them.

Edited to add, on the second one, Mermaids DH said "lucky octopus".
ChrissyB said:
On first glance I thought it was tendrils of wet hair, and Ian's right, very mermaid-ish.
I like it/them.

Edited to add, on the second one, Mermaids DH said "lucky octopus".

My husband would like to purchase a set :wink: .
Tabitha said:
ChrissyB said:
On first glance I thought it was tendrils of wet hair, and Ian's right, very mermaid-ish.
I like it/them.

Edited to add, on the second one, Mermaids DH said "lucky octopus".

My husband would like to purchase a set :wink: .

As set of what? The pics, or octopus (octopii???)
The artistic quality is pretty good-all I can say as I sit on my heffalump pregnant touchie is her rear-end had better be airbrushed or photoshopped.

Oh-and I don't think I could model for those pics as I don't particularly like the feel of "real tentacles" (ok ok...or ANY tentacles.)