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  1. Zhuliya

    First batch of HP soap

    I vote eucalyptus because I love it and because I think I read somewhere that it helps with bad odours.
  2. Zhuliya

    About to make my first batch

    Good luck on your first experiments!
  3. Zhuliya

    solid CP shampoo - is it any good?

    I'm going back to this thread just to let you know the development: after curing for only 25 days, I couldn't wait any more so I tried the first batch of shampoo bars I made (the one I described above as Natural Wonderbar)... and I have to say they are great!!! I tried a bar on myself and on my...
  4. Zhuliya

    CP'ing and patience.

    I was like you, I made my first 2 batches and promised myself I would have waited until cured before starting with some new ones... but after only a couple of days I was making another, and another, and one more.... It is indeed addictive, and anyway after only a week or so I could tell how the...
  5. Zhuliya

    Soap Floats

    never seen a soap floating!! :shock:
  6. Zhuliya

    Kid friendly soap

    To make it last longer, I mix it with a teaspoon of rice flour, which is a good natural fixative. So far I got pretty good results, and I love the vanilla smell!
  7. Zhuliya

    Am I soaping too hot?

    I have to opposite problem too, I use mainly olive oil, and it takes forever to trace (up to 40-50 mins even with a stick blender!!). Maybe if you add some olive oil to your recipes it will take longer to trace...
  8. Zhuliya

    OHP question: 10% of oils after the "cooking"?

    Any suggestion for re-batching the soap that separated during the cooking process?
  9. Zhuliya

    Question about CPOP…

    I use the same method as gratia, I don't like the idea of putting the mould in the oven because I believe cooking the finished soap will kill the fragrance and most of its properties (which in the OHP I add after the cooking, so the good things in the oils that I add aren't burned away). This...
  10. Zhuliya

    Recipes without coconut or palm oil?

    thanks everyone for the advice, I've heard that small African or Caribbean shops sell cheap coconut oils here in Italy, but I haven't found one yet. While I look for it, I'll try with all your suggestions. Thanks a lot everyone for the useful advice!
  11. Zhuliya

    Kid friendly soap

    Hi, I've never made soaps for kinds, but I've read it is best to use very little EOs in this case, because the oils could be irritating. So said, I personally think a nice vanilla flavouring (I use the same I use in cakes) could be a great, sweet smell for kids.
  12. Zhuliya

    Recipes without coconut or palm oil?

    No, I'm not opposed to it, I just can't find it at a decent price, so I would like to use as little as possible (meaning, not in each and every soap I make). :(
  13. Zhuliya

    Recipes without coconut or palm oil?

    how about olive, grapeseed and castor?
  14. Zhuliya

    OHP question: 10% of oils after the "cooking"?

    Re: OP question: oils after the "cooking"? Ok, it's possible that i super-fatted it, but would that explain the separation during the oven cooking? I know what lye discount means ;) I have actually used 8% for this soap, which is quite a lot I think, I've always made soaps 5% or 6% lye...
  15. Zhuliya

    Stuck in mold...

    Yeah, the freezer always works for me too (and now that outside is -6°C I just put them out of the window, that works fine too!).
  16. Zhuliya

    OHP question: 10% of oils after the "cooking"?

    Hi everyone, I have been trying to make OHP soaps lately, so far I have made 2 batches and I love the fact that the soap is ready for use right away and that the additives and colours I put in them stay intact in the final soap. I only have a couple of questions: in a book I have, there's...
  17. Zhuliya

    Recipes without coconut or palm oil?

    Hi everyone, I see that many of you use coconut and palm oils as your base oils for most of your soaps. I know these make hard, bubbly soaps and that's why they are so often used in soap recipes. But I was wondering if you have any recipe that doesn't use these two oils (or animal fats)... I...
  18. Zhuliya

    Orange Poppy Seed with Oatbran

    Very nice-looking soap, congrats! I love how the poppy seeds look in the soap, I'll try them myself sooner or later.
  19. Zhuliya

    Help... my ungelled soap is like butter...(24 hours later)

    Yes, I generally use olive oil as a base, and my soaps are often still too soft after 24 hours to get out of the mould, so I wait another 24 hours! It will eventually get harder, and when you think it's ok, you can use the freezer method to get it out of the mould. My (little) experience...
  20. Zhuliya

    Eczema soap?

    Thanks a lot for the recipe, AV, I'll try it immediately and let you know how my bf skin reacts. And thanks for the link HenleyNatural, it answered a lot of my questions. Thanks again, I am very thrilled now, hope I have found the cure to my bf adult acne... he tried everything too, but the...