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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Zhuliya

    In general whats better?

    I love RBO!!!
  2. Zhuliya

    My new blog about soapmaking!

    thank you all for visiting!!! :)
  3. Zhuliya

    Mostly butter soap?

    I disagree. I make lovely cow butter soaps!! You can find a very nice recipe here. Cow butter makes gentle, hard and bubbly soap. It's true, it can get smelly, but here are some tips to avoid this problem, and once you learn how to do it butter could become your favourite ingredient!! The...
  4. Zhuliya

    My new blog about soapmaking!

    Hi everyone, I'm not sure this is the right section, so I apologize to the moderators if they have to move this topic somewhere else, but I wasn't really sure where or if I could post this at all. Anyway, I just wanted to share with you the link to my newly created blog about soapmaking...
  5. Zhuliya

    First Post from LA

    Hello Mel, welcome to SMF!
  6. Zhuliya

    Pretty soaps

    Well, I was having a hard time making my friends and family use my soaps in the shower too, Not because they're too pretty (I'm not very good on the beauty side), but because they think solid soap = hand soap, so they all use them for their hands. That was so frustrating... so I started to write...
  7. Zhuliya

    I need a simple shampoo bar recipe please!

    Hi! First of all, I think your recipe has a little too much coconut oil too, you should use much more olive or other "rich" fats (in my opinion). Also, I use CP soap as shampoo and like it a lot - but always follow it with an acid rinse, vinegar or lemon juice. I'm curious to know about the...
  8. Zhuliya

    Egg yolk soap

    I've tried this one too yesterday, it's now sitting in the moulds waiting to be ready to come out. It has become that weir greenish look some of you were talking about, but I don't worry since you said it goes away with time. Can't wait to try it on my hair!! Plus I used creamed coconut for the...
  9. Zhuliya

    soap making books

    ditto! It doesn't have many recipes, but it's very clear and has loads of useful information. Melinda Coss' one is good too, but Soap Naturally helps you understand what happens and why it happens, so that once you get familiar with the process, it gets much easier to make up your own recipes...
  10. Zhuliya

    Sensitve Soap Recipe

    I make this for my boyfriend's very sensitive skin. It works great but you need to be very patient since it takes long to trace and even longer to cure. Maybe you can discount water to speed up trace a little, but I haven't tried that yet. Anyway, the recipe is: 80% olive 10% rice bran or...
  11. Zhuliya

    difference bw 5% and 10% shea butter

    I personally feel the difference in my recipes over time. I mean, after I've showered with a certain soap for a while (say 1-2 months), then I can really tell how it feels and how it leaves my skin.Soaps that at first I thought were awful turned out to be great for the skin, and very lovely...
  12. Zhuliya

    White coloring for Hot Pressed Soap

    if you want it white, you should probably use a lot of coconut or palm oils, and you can add kaolin to help the whiteness. Mine never turn out completely white either, because I use a lot of OO. The only one I got completely white was the salt soap I made with 90% coconut oil.
  13. Zhuliya

    making liquid soaps, shampoos, shower gels etc.

    Hi, I use a very simple method that doesn't make the best liquid soap, but that works for the small amounts I make. I simply melt grated soap with double or triple the amount of water (e.g. 1 cup of soap with 2-3 cups of water) in a double boiler. When the soap is nice and melted - it...
  14. Zhuliya

    newbie confusion about feasibility of 100% olive oil soap

    I use rice bran and I LOVE it! It's great for making both soap and shampoo, and it has a lot of good qualities too. I suggest you give it a try, and anyway if you don't like it you can still use it for cooking. ;)
  15. Zhuliya

    Natural Laundry Soap (no shredding)

    I always use EOs, even for my laudry detergent. I make liquid detergent because I find it easier to use (I mean, not with KOH but melting my CP soap with a lot of water) and in about 1liters of water I add 5-6 drops of lavender or eucalyptus EO. It leaves a little scent on the final dry laudry...
  16. Zhuliya

    dairy soaps

    wow, I'm interestendin knowing how you guys use fresh cream in soaps and what it adds to it... do you use it as part of the liquid? Do you add it at trace or with the water and lye? And what does it add to the final soap? Thanks a lot, and BTW I'm a big dairy soap lover too.
  17. Zhuliya

    WSP Silicone Molds on sale!!!!

    sob! :( I so wish I could buy some of those....
  18. Zhuliya

    Where to get bulk/cheap oils in Europe?

    Yeah,I'm in Italyand I'm hving a really hard timefinding cocoa butter, plus I'd also like to buy other precious oils (like avocado or castor) at better prices. I have seen the UK websites, but they generally have CRAZY shipping prices for EU! So the basic price of the oil/butter is maybe...
  19. Zhuliya

    Natural colorants

    This is what I got rebatching with my red berries herbal tea: And it smells almost exactly like the herbal tea itself!! I love it.
  20. Zhuliya

    Kind of a scary question for a CP soap lover

    Uhm... I can recommend a facial soap that I use and love, it's a little expensive to make, but you only use a little for the face so it's gonna last long. I make it with 80% olive, 10% rice bran, 5% castor and 5% wheatgerm or jojoba (to add at trace or after cooking for HP). I generally superfat...