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  1. Tara08


    How do you like the sodium coco glutomate? I have never used that one. Is it powder or liquid? I just loath having to wait 20 min minimum for SCI to melt. Everyone I have researched always makes whipped soap with SCI and cocamidopropyl betaine. I wonder if they are just the most popular or if...
  2. Tara08


    Thanks for the info! I follow Marie from Humblee Bee & Me on Patreon. She is so nice and just such a wealth of information. I will have to check out Susan Barclay too.
  3. Tara08


    Hello CecileBC! Right now, I add decyl glucoside with my SCI and my cocamidopropyl betaine. I find that it adds more bubble then the other too, which I like. I read that coco glucoside is the best for bubbles in things like whipped soap. I just bought some, so I am going to replace the decyl...
  4. Tara08


    I see. My fault, I should have read further into the description. I do have a recipe of my own that I am working with and like. I was just playing with surfactants and wondering what other people have used, if it's different or in addition to the usual cocamidopropyl betaine and sci. I read that...
  5. Tara08


    I am making the whipped soap from scratch myself, not buying a pre-made base. Just trying to figure what the best surfactants are too add bubbliness. But thank you for your response.
  6. Tara08


    Hello! I have recently started to experiment with making whipped soap from scratch. Wondering what others thoughts are on different surfactant. I use cocamidoproyl betaine and SCI with some decyl glucoside. It seems that decyl glucoside adds some nice bubble instead of just lather/foaming. I...
  7. Tara08

    Whipped Soap & E Wax

    Never thought of that. Thanks a lot!
  8. Tara08

    Whipped Soap & E Wax

    Hi everyone! I have been experimenting with whipped soaps and was wondering if anyone has or does add emulsifying wax to their formulas? I already add stearic acid to help with thickening, but was wondering if the addition of some e wax might also help with the possibility of melting in heat...
  9. Tara08

    Soap making for school kids

    I make hp, but did melt and pour with my daughter when she asked about helping. She still really enjoyed the process.
  10. Tara08

    Adding mica powder to hp soap

    Oh! Great idea!! What exactly does the refrigeration do? It is for the shelf life of the oil?
  11. Tara08

    Adding mica powder to hp soap

    Thank you for your response! It seems most people cp on here, which is cool. I figure the the methods are similar hp or cp, maybe I'm wrong. I tried dispersing it in a little bit of sweet almond in a batch I made this morning. I actually have never tried this way, I think I felt like the extra...
  12. Tara08

    Adding mica powder to hp soap

    Hello! I have been making hp for a few months now, but an still trying to figure out what the best method is to add mica powder to my soap. I have tried a few different ways, just wondering what others thoughts or experiences have been. Thanks!!
  13. Tara08

    Candle help - not throwing scent?

    Hi! I echo the comments above...Triple wicking a 4" container seems like a lot. Mica powder can clog your wick (also putting botanicals on top is not a great idea), have you tried wax chips for color? Some candle suppliers have liquid candle dyes also. When I made candles I always used the max...
  14. Tara08

    Fragrance Oil Testing

    Hello!! I have a ton of fragrance oils to test. I make hp, but for the purposes of testing scent (and the sake of ingredients/time), does anyone think that I can using melt & pour? Or will the scent be different them when I make my hp and therefore not a good representation of the scent? I hope...
  15. Tara08

    Salt Bar

    How long do you cure for?
  16. Tara08

    Salt Bar

    Thanks! I just couldn't find a clear answer in what I have read so far. I'm going to try and make my first salt bars this weekend! 🤞
  17. Tara08

    Salt Bar

    Hello! When making a salt bar, is the percentage of salt per oil weight or from the total soap weight? Thanks!!!
  18. Tara08

    Fragrance Oil Usage Rate?

    Hello lovely soapmakers! I am really confused by some of the info I am getting from Northwood Distributing about the usage of their fragrance oils. Example below, for Bergamot & Wilf Fern in says for soap the skin safe % is 42. The usage rate for soap obviously can't be that?? Does anyone else...
  19. Tara08

    Hot Process- Holding water back for after cook

    I tried yogurt the last couple times, but I didn't see much difference from when I use coconut milk powder mixed with a little water.