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  1. A

    Palm Oil Question Newbie

    Yeah, CO is definitely NOT a sub for palm. Totally different qualities. Store bought shortening has tallow with a little palm, or you can just go the straight lard route.
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    Good GM recipes???

    I wouldn't go that high on the CO even with GM. My first soap was the standard beginner recipe of CO, OO, PO..30/40/30? Something like that. I know the CO was at 30 and my SF was 7%. Comparing those soaps to my soaps now, with CO always less than 20, is like night and day. I think my first...
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    I'm an exclusive goat milk soaper, too. I used water only once for a vegan. Not distilled, either. It turned out just fine. Sure, it was easier, but to me it felt naked without the milk. I freeze my GM during the year so I have some to soap with during the winter. My does seemed to not...
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    Soap won't set.

    Post your recipe and we can see if there are any red flags. Temp shouldn't be an issue. I've soaped hot and gelled and cold and ungelled and all set. My only squishy soap had too high of a SF and I rebatched it till it firmed up.
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    Good GM recipes???

    GM soap won't exactly moisturize, since soap doesn't actually add moisture to your skin. I find that you can use any recipe with GM and it'll turn out just fine. Remember, though, that it can overheat more easily due to the sugar in the milk.
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    gritty soap

    Please post your recipe. The oils wouldn't do that to the soap. Are you sure it's not lye crystals? Does it burn to use the soap??
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    Goats Milk & Honey Soap

    Milk from a newly freshened goat is higher in fat/protein because a growing kid needs the most at that time. However, it's negligible for soap making. To be honest, GM doesn't make some that much better than non-milk soaps. I bet if you tested 20 bars, and 1 had GM, you would not notice the...
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    Peanutbutter in CP soap?

    I did a GM with peanut butter and peanut oil. Fantastic soap. No scent came through. I used a buttercream pie fragrance which unfortunately had vanilla in it so my soap is brown instead of tan. Oh well. Still a great soap.
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    Goats Milk & Honey Soap

    I can answer some of these. All I make is GM soap.
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    Looking for Patchouli blend ideas

    I just did a patchouli and lemon basil blend. It was about 30/70 I'd say. Didn't measure, of course. The soap's still in the mold, though I can already smell the lemon basil and just a hint of the perfumey patchouli. I had some of that batter left when I made my candy cane scented soap, so I...
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    Need suggestion on this recipe

    Replace the missing palm oil with lard, but make sure to run the new calculation to make sure you have the correct lye amount.
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    Tallow soap smell

    I've never noticed the fatty smell either. Then again, all mine are milk soaps so maybe the milk smell is stronger.
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    But if you use shortening in your recipe, you don't list every ingredient of the shortening. I'm not saying to only write "shortening", I'm saying to write, "olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, shortening".
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    Some store brand shortening contains both palm and tallow. It's what I use all the time. You could just add "shortening" to your ingredient list. If someone asks what kind, just say animal or vegetable. I love it for its price and availability!
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    As much as I said I would never have a mold that requires a liner, I think I am giving in... Do you line wooden molds with freezer paper? Is it similar to wax paper, or is it something different? I've never actually seen "freezer paper" in the store, so I'm a bit clueless as to what it is...
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    lemon scents

    I have anchored mine with cornstarch, and I think it does help. I find that it still fades a bit, but I also try to not overload it with FO, either, so maybe adding more would help. I just don't want an overpowering soap that makes your stomach upset!
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    Shampoo Bar....burned!

    To sell a lye heavy, zapping bar is purely negligent. If that was sold to someone with a young child, for example, that could have caused irreparable damage. I'm not typically "for" suing people just for the heck of it. However, there is no reason why she should not be responsible for your...
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    Shampoo Bar....burned!

    Holy crap! Initially, I would also not sue. With her attitude, though, I'd definitely consider it. Now I'm not saying to do one of those crazy "your coffee was too hot and now you owe me $5,000,000" like that silly McDonald's suit, but you should absolutely be refunded your medical bills...
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    CPOP in Silicone? 200 degrees?

    I shaved off the thin layer of foam, and all is well. Tried a sliver today and it's very nice. Got me a soap beveler over the weekend so I've been having fun with that. I love how hard these soaps are after just a few days!
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    PKO and CO soap?

    You may find that your bar is super drying with that high of CO. Try reversing the CO with the OO and you'll get a much less drying bar.