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  1. Derpina Bubbles

    Pain relief/arthritis cream copy

    Will do. Maybe it was shock that cured you. I mean :wtf: I had to Google boswellia. Never heard of it before. Very interesting!
  2. Derpina Bubbles

    Winding down the day...

    AnnaMarie that looks seriously delicious. Some tasty sounding beverages there and I'm jelly. Pepsi Girl, I was like whoooaaa, totally blindsided with the diet Pepsi. Figured you for a coke fan. I have water :(. It's tank water too. Not sure how the water filter is anymore. Think it's due...
  3. Derpina Bubbles

    Lemongrass Partial Tiger Stripes

    How the heck did I miss this one? Gorgeous (as always). :clap:
  4. Derpina Bubbles

    Pain relief/arthritis cream copy

    Yep, that's the one. That stuff sounds good! I think my knees would like it, thanks for that! That could be a good swap out for one of the EO's in the cream :think:. Plus it would smell awesome for those that hate the smell of rosemary. Well early reports are good for pain relief (no...
  5. Derpina Bubbles

    Soap photo shame fest

    I knew they reminded me of something! That's it exactly! Right, now I have unholy images of Worf and Deanna Troi.
  6. Derpina Bubbles

    Soap photo shame fest

    Show the pic? :think: I mean, I thought about it, then figured it would have been deleted on me cause :shock:. I might have to reverse tactics with the family and friends who are taking the mickey out of me for the slip up. I'm now considering doing a series of soap pics with wrong things...
  7. Derpina Bubbles

    My first drop swirl

    *Goes to the naughty corner. Pulls out marker pens and scribbles soaper secret codes on walls. Gets codes all wrong. Forgets was sent to naughty corner and chases passing squirrel. Trips. Walks 3 times in a circle stopping 3 times to admire the same shrubbery but thinking it's a different one...
  8. Derpina Bubbles

    My first drop swirl

    DDM - Dreaded Drag Marks (Not to be confused with skid marks or skiddies) EDM - Exquisite Drag Marks (Not to be confused with high heel imprints in the desert) Looking forward to seeing the pics of the soap when cut.
  9. Derpina Bubbles

    Pumpkin Seed Oil # 1

    Ooooo so that's what a soap pic should look like. You sir, have sweet skills. Love the light green colour and anything slightly nutty simply has to be awesome.
  10. Derpina Bubbles

    Fire, frills and fruit

    Stop making me look like this ->:shock:<- with your awesome soap designs because I look thick enough as it is. Just :clap:and :thumbup: cause I'm still like :shock:.
  11. Derpina Bubbles

    Soap photo shame fest

    I accidently took a rude soap photo and posted it on fb. There it was in all it's glory for my friends and family to see. My Mum, Dad, Aunty, Sister, ok you get the drill. OMG my kids 3rd grade teacher saw it :oops:. It was a shot of some soap made for my Mum. I didn't look at the...
  12. Derpina Bubbles

    Pain relief/arthritis cream copy

    I'll keep you posted AnnaMarie:grin:. Ouch, your poor toes. My Hubby does the broken toe thing, walking into furniture all the time. I've never broken a bone yet so having put that down officially in text now I should break one any ole second. So far no accidents or pain reported in the...
  13. Derpina Bubbles

    Pain relief/arthritis cream copy

    My sister asked me if I could try and replicate a cream that's popular here in Oz for pain relief and arthritis called Painaway. I figured why not? At the very least we'd have a lovely moisturizing cream. She uses copious amounts of the goop and at around $20 for 70grams she wanted a...
  14. Derpina Bubbles

    Trace-lack of-Bastille soap

    Hiya Nikolye, sounds like a stressful batch of soap. Ok, from my experience with milk soap making I can say even with a cold lye/milk mixture I haven't had a slower than normal trace. Once you mix the lye/milk and oils together things usually get rocking along nicely. If you used the right...
  15. Derpina Bubbles

    Some Drop Swirls

    Very nice. Love the colours and swirls and the tops on your 1st soaps are gorgeous!
  16. Derpina Bubbles

    Fancy Pants

    Did I do that? :shifty: I might try a pantaloons swirl for the gents.
  17. Derpina Bubbles

    Elephant Soap Pics

    These soaps are awesome and you're awesome. That thread is awesome. Lot's of awesome in this forum *loves* :clap::clap::clap:
  18. Derpina Bubbles

    Fancy Pants

    Stunning! Seriously top shelf gorgeous. *Coughs* Not the done thing to show your bloomers in public though. OMG do I see ankle? Now, how the heck do you do the bottom fancy pants bit? I Googled fancy pants bloomer swirl and for some reason nothing comes up. Weird.
  19. Derpina Bubbles

    Column swirl/embeds for the kids

    Ha! Seven- after seeing your work I think you could do it standing on your head! Grayceworks- I know what you mean. I made a column pour one time that did mix a bit. My black and white batter ended up with grey. So bands of black, grey and white which actually worked. As long as you use...