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  1. jarvan

    My 1st Crock Pot Rebatch with pictures..

    I would love to love rebatching. I am an impatient sort and have had no success in doing this because I think I try to "melt" the shreds too quickly. I also find a challenge in getting the right amount of liquid into the soap. I know that fresh shavings might be a bit easier to work with, but I...
  2. jarvan

    Aloe and Yogurt Parfait Soap - Peaches and Cream

    Red Oxide...GAH...not something more for me to order!!!
  3. jarvan

    Turned out cute

    Holly, I need to talk to you about how you get such a creamy off-white soap. I really want mine that color. Is it ok if I ask you this in a PM?
  4. jarvan

    Aloe and Yogurt Parfait Soap - Peaches and Cream

    I LOVE the red swirls. How on earth did you get such a great red? This is beautiful. I can't wait for the cuts.
  5. jarvan

    Not new...just found my way back!

    Just wanted to stop in the intoduction forum and say hi again. I lost my way for a while, but found my way back. This is not a hobby. It's a sickness and I am pretty sick. :D
  6. jarvan

    Ammonia smell from oatmeal milk and honey soap

    Did you use any milk in the recipe? I say that because milk will give off an ammonia smell at first that will make you want to run for the hills. Especially a goats milk soap. Patience is your friend right now. Leave the soap be. Don't look at it or smell it for a couple weeks and you will...
  7. jarvan

    Master of disaster

    Oh my! At first I thought brownies with large walnuts. Then I thought ...NO. You might find this to be useful for yourself, but ugh...not a pretty soap. Sorry. You tried really hard as I can see and they for sure have texture. They just look burnt. Hugs!
  8. jarvan

    Master of disaster

    Oh my! At first I thought brownies with large walnuts. Then I thought ...NO. You might find this to be useful for yourself, but ugh...not a pretty soap. Sorry. You tried really hard as I can see and they for sure have texture. They just look burnt. Hugs!
  9. jarvan

    Cosmetic Glitter?

    At one point, I was able to get some glitter in the cosmetic section of the local big box retail. It came in a small powder applicator and was a very fine opalescent facial glitter. Other than that, I sometimes will sprinkle cake glitter on the top and it just washes off of the bar with the...
  10. jarvan

    Cosmetic Glitter?

    At one point, I was able to get some glitter in the cosmetic section of the local big box retail. It came in a small powder applicator and was a very fine opalescent facial glitter. Other than that, I sometimes will sprinkle cake glitter on the top and it just washes off of the bar with the...
  11. jarvan

    lip balm ingredients with hard oils

    I second ButtterEZ in balms. It's worth the couple of dollars to include this.
  12. jarvan

    Beveled edges

    This is what I use: It's a cheese slicer and it works great.
  13. jarvan

    having a terrible time choosing a lip balm recipe.

    I don't use butters so I don't have to worry about grains.
  14. jarvan

    Makeshift Containers for Lotion?

    I would not reuse containers that had other stuff in them, personally. It think that it's worth the 2 bucks to get some small Ziplock containers and use those while experimenting.
  15. jarvan

    Jojoba Oil shampoo recipe?

    I was recently peering into the Making cosmetics website and found this: Of course, they also have jojoba oil (a lot of places, even grocery stores). I just had never seen a hydrolyzed jojoba protein!
  16. jarvan


    Of course, you'll get soap scum. That is the nature of the extra emolliency from the oils we use in our cold process soap. If you don't want soap scum, you'd best stick to bath gels. Otherwise, embrace the scum and use some vinegar to spritz your bath. :wink:
  17. jarvan

    Butter me up!

    sent you a PM PM was sent. :lol:
  18. jarvan

    Butter me up!

    Looking for a couple ounces (or as much as you can afford to trade off) of: Deodorized cocoa butter Mango butter Candelilla wax Deodorized Beeswax, preferrably the white bead-style Anyone have a burning need for something they are willing to trade for these? I might have it for you.
  19. jarvan

    Need changes or is this good to go?

    Hi all. I have two friends who would very much like to use the shampoo I make. One friend is very much on the "sulfate-free" no hydrogenated anything pulpit. The other is pregnant. Given the following ingredients for my poo bars, are there any suggestions for changes to the...
  20. jarvan

    So what would you be interested in for co-ops?

    Need stand-up pouches! Zip top and/or Zip top with side pour spout Stand-up pouches for bath salts, etc. I would be interested in 4 oz, 8 oz and 16 oz. sizes. Anyone else?