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  1. L

    lip balm tubes

    ohhh! Good to know!
  2. L

    HP cook time question

    Did you HP? how did it turn out?
  3. L

    Your advice on my next recipe

    my favorite soaps have a cleansing of 10; that makes for a very mild and gentle bar of soap. Most of my mens soaps have a cleansing of 20; they are much oilier than the women. But a good all around soap, imo, that the whole family can use has a cleansing of about 14-15. It seems that most...
  4. L

    Lemon/ Lime Juice

    But if you HP the soap, couldn't you add it at the end of cooking? The lye is already neutralized by that point. It would add additional moisture that would then need to evaporate, but it wouldn't be able to do anything to the lye.
  5. L

    lip balm tubes

    I think the ones I ordered from bulk apothecary are this size.. not for sure though. I DO know that they had the best price... at about .17 cents each, I think. And this is the second time I've ordered from them. The first set of tubes worked perfectly!
  6. L

    For those of you who need a free, simple label template.

    Ok, I am so dumb! You have to download it first, then you can edit it. hahahaha!!! So, I have it now, and THANK YOU SO MUCH! I tried to do a cigar band on gimp, and it looks great, but i can't customize it. Yours, I can edit it and customize it so easily! Thank you again!!
  7. L

    How does this recipe look?

    are you trying to achieve a specific kind of soap? Your coconut oil looks high to me, but I like a very mild soap, so I would lower that to under 20%. and take the extra and add it to the olive oil.
  8. L

    HP cook time question

    2-4 hours is way to long Some people say they stir, others say they don't stir. I like to stir. Usually, the soap goes to thick trace right away, so I cook for a little bit and I stir the edges that are soft. then I break up the hard soap (thick trace soap) in the middle and try my best to...
  9. L

    BB's Energy F/O

    and sosoapy, I have this same fragrance. Let me know how you like it in your soaps!
  10. L

    BB's Energy F/O

    I never knew they had a fragrance calculator! So good to know!!
  11. L

    HP soap question

    I wonder if it wouldn't help if you put your cups with the soaps in them into a water bath to keep them hot while you are working. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Love the results and I am definitely going to get some SL to try in my next batch!
  12. L

    How cost effective are your batches?

    /Thanks for that break down, Brian Suds. I do enjoy the hobby, and making $23.00 an hour is a good return for a hobby! And you should check out for base oils. they have the best prices of any place I've seen.
  13. L

    HP soap question

    soapcakes, how did you do that? Every time I do HP, if it cools at all, then it won't stick together right. And to separate the batter, and color it, would make it cool down...
  14. L

    For those of you who need a free, simple label template.

    I love the way you designed it! It's very clean and uncluttered. Mine is similar, but its really hard to customize ingredients for each soap. I tried to edit it and it won't allow me to edit. :(
  15. L

    My custom made soap dishes

    that is very cool! Do the edges lose their sharpness?
  16. L

    How cost effective are your batches?

    Thanks, Genny. That is kind of depressing though.... LOL 500 bars a month? No way!
  17. L

    How cost effective are your batches?

    How does one figure the cost of a bar?
  18. L

    Rosin in LS

    Where is this thread? I can't find it!
  19. L

    What should i do!

    you don't have to wrap your soap in the mold. But it helps with the appearance... gelling, or not gelling. But the quality of the soap is fine.
  20. L

    question about baking your cold process soap

    It's so pretty I'd just let it cure like regular CP soap. It won't have zap after a week or two....