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  1. L

    Bottle/Jar Suppliers

    I found some terrific jars that I really liked, but now, I have no idea where there were at! they were blue, and they were really pretty... kinda faceted. They were a fancy bottle; they reminded me of a diamond. I've checked: specialty bottle sks bottle essential wholesale elements WSP...
  2. L

    differences in Shea Butters?

    How interesting! I did not know that some shea was dirty. I bought some at the farmers market and it was lovely... smooth and creamy and just really nice; albeit expensive $25 for 1 lb.
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    bath oils, bath melts, honey pies, etc etc

    A friend asked me the other day to make her some bath oil. Do people still use these anymore? What can I suggest to her in place of a bath oil? I want something that will smell great, leave her feeling moisturized AND not leave a ring on the tub. What do you suggest? Also, I've seen...
  4. L

    differences in Shea Butters?

    Upon googling Shea butter, I see that it is listed by country of origin. Is there any difference between them all? Are some better than others?
  5. L

    recipe help!

    It does look good. If you want a more mild soap, do you have any softer oils like avocado or apricot kernel oil? If you drop the coconut oil to 2 oz, then add 2 oz of one of these softer oils, you will increase your conditioning properties and decrease your cleansing. I had one person tell...
  6. L

    My next 3 batches, would really appreciate some help (done)

    Re: My next 3 batches, would really appreciate some help I've found that for dry skin or problem skin, a soap with a lower cleansing number is more favorable. Castile, known to be the most mild has a cleansing number of zero. I just made a recipe last night that the author said, "this is what...
  7. L

    Neutralize a Fragrance Oil?

    many times, a fragrance will dissipate with heat. I would rebatch it and cook it... cook it real good! :lol: but you might also want to get a second opinion before you do. The soaps I hate the smell of the most sell the best!
  8. L

    Doubling Up

  9. L

    Making Recipes

    You need to read here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3461 Then once you figure the volume for your mold, you can change the amount of your recipe. That is done in #2 in soap calc. If your mold holds 40 ounces, then you click on the button that says "Ounces" and then type in 40. but if you are...
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    Newbie questions

    In response to your first question, having your oils to hot will also accelerate trace. One time, I was impatient and added my lye to really warm oils (hot, actually) and got trace almost instantaneously. Now, I try to let my oils cool down to luke-warm or cooler before adding the lye. Also...
  11. L

    Shampoo Bar Question

    thank you for sharing your recipe, yooper. If you don't mind my asking, what kind of hair do you have?
  12. L

    critique shaving soap recipe

    well, I went ahead and rebatched it because I was over confident in my abilities and the numbers, so I made a two pound batch originally. And I didn't have enough extra oils and butters to try it again. I shaved my legs last night and they really feel great. many times, I'll have dry flaky...
  13. L

    critique shaving soap recipe

    for me, its a puzzle to be solved. :) I told my husband that he has to try it... but he's already told me that he *loves* his foaming gel. :/ Irish Lass, Do you think my soap will cure out ok, or should I rebatch it and add some coconut oil?
  14. L

    Shampoo Bar Question

    have you done a search for shampoo bar here? I've never made a CP shampoo bar, but I know it can be done, and people love them! It does seem to be a very closely guarded secret, though, more so than any other formula.
  15. L

    critique shaving soap recipe

    more isn't always better. here are my numbers, and they really aren't all that different from yours: hardeness: 44 cleansing: 3 conditioning: 53 bubbly: 25 creamy: 63 iodine: 53 INS: 135 and the acids: lauric: 1 myristic: 2 Palmitic: 13 stearic: 28 ricinoleic: 22 Oleic: 28...
  16. L

    Quick dissolving soap problem

    have you let your soap cure for 4-6 weeks? that allows the soap to dry out and last *much* longer in the shower. dont know about the water droplets. did you do a zap test?
  17. L

    critique shaving soap recipe

    I think this is my problem. I only used it at 8%, but I think I also didn't have anything in it to give it bubbles... like coconut oil. that being said, I only made it last night, so maybe time will improve it some. I used a total butter count of 31%, tallow at 40%, castor at 24%and stearic...
  18. L

    critique shaving soap recipe

    Soap Bar Quality Suggested Range Your Recipe Hardness 29 - 54 42 Cleansing 12 - 22 4 Conditioning 44 - 69 56 Bubbly 14 - 46 24 Creamy 16 - 48 58 Iodine 41 - 70 57 INS 136 - 165 128 Lauric 1 Myristic 3 Palmitic 17 Stearic 21 Ricinoleic 20 Oleic 32 Linoleic 4 Linolenic 1
  19. L

    critique shaving soap recipe

    from everything I have read about shaving soap, the copious notes I have taken, it looks to me like it meets all the criteria. that being said, I just made my first shaving soap last night, and I'm pretty sure it flopped....and it met all the criteria, too. try a small batch and see! Are you...
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    some questions (I'm new to soap making)

    I can answer two questions: first of all, check out for your carriers oils. They seem to have the best prices as far as I can tell. Soapgoods was recommended to me as well, but I've never used them. The second one, I've never heard of. As for the conditioner...