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  1. FGOriold

    Help- soapy potatoes!

    Were you able to test your ph after you diluted the soap since you do have a lye excess? Except for that (since I do not know what your ph is), it sounds like you did everything right so I would tend to think it was the fragrance too.
  2. FGOriold

    Help- soapy potatoes!

    Those oils should give you a clear soap. It is a bit lye heavy. It really looks like it needs more water to dilute it. Did you let it cool after it looked diluted to make sure that it was fully diluted - if it was really thick while hot, it may not be fully diluted as it can change as it...
  3. FGOriold

    Help- soapy potatoes!

    If you post your formula and the FO used, it would be easier to help you figure this out. Fragrance oils and Essential oils can do strange things to you soap. It is always best to test these in a small amount of soap first instead of an entire batch.
  4. FGOriold

    M&P lacks moisturizer

    All bases are different. Those that are detergent based may bit a bit more harsh than non-detergent bases - but that is personal preference. You may need to try out a few different ones to see which you like. I have only used SFIC non-detergent bases so I cannot recommend any others.
  5. FGOriold


    Confused - how can you make a soap with only 50% coconut oil and no other oils? Do you mean 100% coconut oil (your only oil) and an equal amount in weight of salt?
  6. FGOriold

    How much preservative in facial scrub?

    When I make scrubs, I use a preservative amount for the entire contents including the exfoliant.
  7. FGOriold

    How To Achieve This Texture?

    Thanks for your kind words. I do all of my own labels. I purchase them from online labels and use their online maestro software uploading my own images. Sometimes I think I have the more fun designing the labels :smile:
  8. FGOriold

    Need feedback on my websight.

    I agree that the banner is too big making one scroll on every page to see what is underneath it - especially bothersome on individual product pages. Also, you might want to provide more details about each soap and not just list the ingredients - especially overall size and weight of the soap.
  9. FGOriold

    Hydroxide Issues + Shaving Cream Recipes

    That looks like a cream soap recipe since it has 50% stearic acid and used both KOH and NaOH - what type of soap are you trying to make with this formulation?
  10. FGOriold

    online store builder

    I also use Shopify and recommend it.
  11. FGOriold

    Etsy shop

    Just because other Etsy sellers do certain things does not mean that is what works to get them sales or it is within the Etsy (of FDA) rules. Long descriptions are find - your descriptions should give all the pertinent details regarding your products, long titles key-word packed titles are a...
  12. FGOriold

    4 hrs @ Vaseline stage

    What oils did you use?
  13. FGOriold

    How To Achieve This Texture?

    Thanks - you are all very kind.
  14. FGOriold

    How To Achieve This Texture?

    Well, since that is my soap I guess I am the best source of info on it. I used the tool below to create that texture after lightly swirly the top while the soap was firm enough to hold its shape. Then I took this tool to create the deeper lines. You would be amazed at what you have just...
  15. FGOriold

    Packaging Round Soap

    I use coffee filters for my round shaped soaps and do not wrap them in plastic first and they work just fine. I do not use paper that has a wax coating.
  16. FGOriold


    With liquid and cream soap, it is not just a question of to preserve or not to preserve, it is also which preservative to use. Most all of the ones people used or recommend to use (optiphen in all variations, liquid germall, etc.) are effective on formulations with a ph <= 8 which these soap...
  17. FGOriold

    Thickening Castile with Salt. Pros/ Cons, other options

    I agree about controlling dilution, but sometimes you end up with a super concentrated soap. If you are looking for other options to thicken soap you can try using a combination of potassium and sodium hydroxide (works very good at making castile soap much thicker at 20/80 ratio of NaOh/KOH)...
  18. FGOriold

    EO.. Edible EO's .. Dangerous?!

    Some vendors will tell you in the product description of the EO is lip-safe too.
  19. FGOriold

    Where To Buy True M&P

    Try the SFIC bases - they are not detergent bases.
  20. FGOriold

    Weebly & More....

    I just switched my website from 3Dcart to Shopify and am very happy that I did. I looked at weebly, shopify, wix, bigcartel and squarespace and narrowed it down to shopify and squarespace. Eventually I decided on shopify and am very happy that I did. The reasons I chose shopify (full...