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  1. CaliChan

    walnut butter

    OK so I haven't herd anything back and I already bought some walnuts and did dome research. Walnuts have 4 g more fat pre oz than almonds to so it is safe to use almond butter for the soap Cal can I will be reducing my super fat to 4% I'm going to make these bars as nutty as I can 10%walnut 10%...
  2. CaliChan

    walnut butter

    So taxes came in and I got a food processer and I was wondering if I wan make almond butter then I should be able to make walnut butter right? I've herd of people putting peanut butter in recipies so would I be able to do the same with walnut butter?
  3. CaliChan

    How soft is 'soft'?

    I wonder if you did a water discount if it would help. I know castile bars are pretty soft (pure) But I did a big discount on one of the batches and those things are like bricks x.x
  4. CaliChan

    100% Lard Soap?

    I've made two batches of castile in the last 3 months. I can't wait to try them but I have a rediculous amount of soaps that are ready to try that I can't keep up with them all so maybe that's the trick to waiting
  5. CaliChan

    Soap covering

    Holy cow you wait to weeks??? I applaud you for patience I waited a week to cut once and it was killing me lol
  6. CaliChan

    100% Lard Soap?

    Lard makes a beautiful creamy white hard bar. It shouldn't be soft at all goats milk will be a great additive
  7. CaliChan

    Cure time?

    When I sell a whole batch they are pre cut and cured. It would take significantly longer to cure a full log. I herd some were on here about an experiment were someone tried that and when thy cut it open the center was rancid
  8. CaliChan

    Cure time?

    What do you mean by "dry" I weigh my soaps almost on a weekly basis to see how much water has evaporated and even at 6 weeks a lot of my bars/batches still have a lot to lose.
  9. CaliChan

    Cure time?

    I won't let anyone try my soap unless its cured for a full 6 weeks. The first week is harsh The second week its more mild but still drying 3rd week it starts to get more bubbly but just barely 4th week is fine but its not the best 5th week is good but not enough to get people sold 6th week...
  10. CaliChan

    Soap From My Vacation

    I love that stamp they used! And that other one has quite the name!
  11. CaliChan

    My rebatched bars....

    I love how wonderful your rebatches look. Mine never look this nice Great job
  12. CaliChan

    My first try at doing a pencil line

    I reeeeally like these Great job!
  13. CaliChan

    My first Beer soap.

    Thank you for reminding me that this soap has finally finished curing :) But before i use them I'm gonna weigh the batch to see how much water has evaporated from them.
  14. CaliChan

    Gel Phase

    Whenever I cpop I put it in the fridge or freezer after it comes out of the oven to help it cool off faster. Usually its an over night thing and its always completely cooled by morning
  15. CaliChan

    Geek me on lather!

    Hmmmm I have no idea, aloe doesn't strike me as a juice with natural sugars in it so I'd have to look it up. However it would be a good additive in general. I should have been more specific. "Fruit juices" like pomegranate and orange increase lather. And its because of their natural sugars. Wine...
  16. CaliChan

    Equipment for first batch

    As long as your not mixing your lye in them they should work perfectly fine.
  17. CaliChan

    Geek me on lather!

    Increase lather- juice, honey,
  18. CaliChan

    Warning: A&H washing soda in Canada not just soda anymor

    Yeah I would just start making it at home by sticking it in the oven for about an hour or two at 350 stirring occasionally. You can test to see if it has changed fully by adding some citric acid and water to a small amount or adding some to a little bit of vinegar. If it fizzes throw it back it...
  19. CaliChan

    my first essential oil

    I've had that problem with my sweet orange oil. I've herd that adding corn starch helps hold citrus scents So I'm also going to try that on my orange soap as well. When did you add your infused oil? I wonder if I added it just before trace if it would help it keep its color
  20. CaliChan

    Laundry powder

    I've been using my lye heavy soaps for my laundry mixed with borax, washing soda and baking soda.