Warning: A&H washing soda in Canada not just soda anymor

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Feb 9, 2010
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It turns out that Arm and Hammer washing soda in Canada also contains strong fragrance and surfactants!! When I first called they said it was only sodium carbonate, but it turns out that is the American product only.

It is a main ingredient in making laundry soap. Does anyone know where I can get proper washing soda in Canada? What else is sodium carbonate used for?
I got mine from pool supply dept of walmart. Also if you bake baking soda at 400 for 3-4 hrs it turns into washing soda. HTH
I believe washing soda can be purchased at big health food stores (sold in brown bags). I guess you could call ahead to find out if they carry it.

Thanks for the information about A&H, I had no idea. Is anything left "as is" anymore?

Really? Baking baking soda? I can handle that.

And I think I have some ph adjuster for my hot tub that I never use (I replaced the water when it went out of range) as I don't like soaking in chlorine.

April: No, there is nothing left. That is why everyone is sick all the time.

It is a lot of work trying to stay ok, everything is contaminated. These days even washing soda is quietly loaded with all the things many people who use washing soda are trying to avoid. I used that stuff and didn't know till I smelled it!!
I work in a pool store and would just like to clarify that Sodium Carbonate is PH+ and you can find Sodium Bisulfate in PH-.
You could also try an art supply store. Sodium Carbonate is used to fix fabric dyes.
Yeah I would just start making it at home by sticking it in the oven for about an hour or two at 350 stirring occasionally.
You can test to see if it has changed fully by adding some citric acid and water to a small amount or adding some to a little bit of vinegar. If it fizzes throw it back it the oven. If not your washing soda is complete

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