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  1. Consuela

    Clarifying Shampoo Bar - Thoughts?

    I'm sorry, for some reason I have this inability to just say what I want to say and instead, need to make a story out of everything ;) Anyway. I make these Shampoo Bars - and I've been on the same recipe for a few years now. For the past few years, my hair has been wonderful. I know A LOT of...
  2. Consuela

    Incense Sticks

    I haven't made any - though there is a site I found that explained how to make them.... let me dig that up. Source: I would assume you could use any fragrance oil - if you only use Phthlate free for your soaps and body care, then I don't see why...
  3. Consuela

    Latest salt soap

    LOL...isn't that the fastest way to get your A** in gear?! Love my wooden molds but that has happened to me too and The race is on. Those look lovely by the way - I love the look of a salt bar with more than one colour.
  4. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Just a hint: Lemongrass, Pine, Lavender, Orange & Patchouli - those are listed in different descriptions of their different Karma products ;) I don't know the correct proportions but you could experiment with those to get the correct scent you want ... ETA: I should add that they don't list...
  5. Consuela

    DOS - Dreaded Orange Spots - let's track the cause!

    Exactly! I think it's because we all have different methods of everything and there is no way to accurately measure the results. Based on factors like: how we store our oils, or where we buy our oils, or how old they were when we bought them... Now in a lab with a control group and such - a...
  6. Consuela

    Dr. Bronners

    I believe this to be MOST consumers of Dr. Bronners. I have this conversation LOTS with Dr. Bronner die-hards, and when I tell them to look up what a true Castile Soap is, some of them go "Oh...well how come they call it that?" I don't know... but when it's anything but 100% Olive Oil...
  7. Consuela

    Hard lotion bars

    I don't do the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 anymore because I find that the bars are too draggy - and tear-y with that much beeswax. I believe the recipe I use (my book is elsewhere) is around 20-25% beeswax...Then more shea butter than cocoa butter, and depends what oils I have on hand. This last batch for...
  8. Consuela

    Why won't people actually use my soap!

    It's the soapmakers curse. "Um...why do you have 9 bars of soap that I gave you like five years ago, still hanging out in your bathroom, now all covered with dust?" "They're too pretty to use! Plus I don't want to waste them." "Waste them...? I suppose I can see how you might worry about that...
  9. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Mmmm...Orange and Patchouli is one of my favourites!
  10. Consuela

    Terms of Service. Necessary or....?

    Yes. Love the kootenays. Beautiful weather and the air..... Seriously it smells so different. Always noticed that as a kid too when we went to visit family. I'm not fond of the cold, not for too long. It's more the nasty winter driving that I despise. :(
  11. Consuela

    GM soap stinks like baby spit-up?

    Props to alll you lucky ducks who have good luck with that :( Every time I try, my lye mixture gets thick and, gummy...and gross loooking - and frankly I just get terrified to use it, so I go back to my old way of adding at trace... (I gather not many people do this?) But then obviously I...
  12. Consuela

    Terms of Service. Necessary or....?

    I'm in the Northern Alberta - yet I'm the only one who calls us North because there are more places much farther north than I... :) First we were in The Rockies, then we moved to The Kootenay's, and now we're in the land of the ice and snow!
  13. Consuela

    New Soaper - Tell Me What You Think

    ....and that never really goes away lol...
  14. Consuela

    Terms of Service. Necessary or....?

    Thank you Lindy I appreciate it! I have two drafts on the go.... One in legal speak, and the other in real-person speak... I'm more a fan of the black and white real-person language - which is what I'm mucking around with. Sounds more personable, and less like you're reading a legal...
  15. Consuela

    Terms of Service. Necessary or....?

    Thanks Lindy, I'll give it a read through... Just wondering - did you use a "generator" to draft it for you, or did you reword another one - in your own words? I'm not sure what the legalities are on that.... I always thought there was a standard form - but I've seen others with varying...
  16. Consuela

    Peppermint Soap "tingling"...

    Hubby loves this Peppermint & Tea Tree Soap I make - and it tingles, but it doesn' lol..\ (but yes, totally normal for it to ....tingle.) I find it too cooling (especially in the winter... I HATE getting out of a nice hot shower and then getting cold!) But in the summer, it's...
  17. Consuela

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    Today I'm off to get coconut oil because I feel like soaping. Made some shampoo bars the other day, we were getting low so I'm replenishing. Don't know what kind of soap I'll make today, we'll see once I see what I have for oils. ---- ETA: I made three batches of soap today: Spearmint &...
  18. Consuela

    Terms of Service. Necessary or....?

    I do have a privacy policy so I felt like I was repeating myself when drafting the terms, but I was leaning towards having a Terms of Service page for the extra cushion. Thank you guys I'll throw it in there to have it then. :)
  19. Consuela

    Just want to say...

    All the positive thoughts and goo juju for you and your family. Your daughter is on my mind.
  20. Consuela

    First big error

    Oh we totally want to see it :) sometimes disasters are beautiful. And we are always our worst critics.