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  1. F

    GV shortening

    Dont throw it out---Do what Soapbuddy said, recalculate and then possibly do a rebatch. It might just be saveable!
  2. F

    this might be a silly question...

    You found a great deal on those wood molds!!
  3. F

    Has anyone used a regular rubber stamp to stamp their CP?

    I'm all about the cheap--except with the soap ingredients!
  4. F

    Couple wedding ideas

    Wow!! Very cool!!
  5. F

    Last Batch

    That blue is really beautiful and the others look great too!!
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    Overheating question

    I had an overheat problem this week with a tried and true goatsmilk recipe. I was also using a new FO. I sat it down in the floor in front of the AC vent (my air was on and the house was pretty cool- 72 degrees or less-the floor was cooler) and withing 5 minutes I had full blown gel to the...
  7. F

    Has anyone used a regular rubber stamp to stamp their CP?

    I have 'stamped' soap with a key chain thing--not sure what the term is. I found a key chain at walmart, cut the ring off it ,pressed it into the top of the soap, and carefully lifted it up. Ta Da--super cheap 'soap stamp'. Here is a picture:
  8. F

    this might be a silly question...

    My Aunt lined a small drawer with freezer paper and made soap in it once. It worked out great. I think it was a small drawer out of an old chest she had in the garage and it wasn't being used.
  9. F

    Salt Bar Recipe Question

    The stuff from walmart is over 5 bucks for 31.5 oz--
  10. F

    Salt Bar Recipe Question

    I find coconut oil at my local walmart. It's sold right along with the olive oils, canola oils, lard, crisco and such. It's Louana brand. If you live close to a wal-mart it might be worth a shot to look. It looks like this:
  11. F

    50% lye batch - can it go bad and other things

    Did you gel them? Possibly they just need a little more time, I would wait a day and then check. Hopefully they will work out.
  12. F

    Salt Bar Recipe Question

    My salt bar was mostly coconut oil, olive oil and castor oil. I used fine sea salt at about 70%. I added the fragrance before I added the salt, it gets thick fast once you add the salt. I also superfatted to 20%--I usually superfat at 7% for my normal soap. It hardens very fast and I used...
  13. F

    Yesterdays Soaping Adventures

    Beautiful soaps and I wish I could smell them! You actually use lemon juice as part of the liquid?
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    has anyone used canolive oil? -new pic added

    Nice looking soaps! I'm loving the updates so keep them coming. I love the smell of Yuzu and use it often in soap.
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    A Hot Gelled Mess

    I use a heating pad set on low to insure a full gel. I cover the soap mold with a piece of cardboard and then a towel to hold in the heat. I do peek at it every hour or so when it starts to gel so it doesn't overheat, and i can move the heating pad around if a place doesn't look like it's gelling.
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    My dog Bentz died this morning

    I'm so sorry to hear about your pet. They really do become part of the family. I'm sure he felt loved.
  17. F


    I've used the Roebics from Lowes--it's rather pricey. It is 100% sodium hydroxide--I've even pulled up the MSDS sheet. It works very nicely. Please ALWAYS pull up the MSDS about a product in question--Drain cleaners are not always equal--many of them contain all sorts of awful things that may...
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    has anyone used canolive oil? -new pic added

    I didn't know they made such a thing! Please keep us posted on how it works!
  19. F

    Weekend soap making

    They all look so nice! I love the dark colored swirls!
  20. F

    I made a beer oatmeal soap (with picture!)

    Great looking soap! Beer soap does have nice bubbles!