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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. F

    Could be an epic fail....

    Wonderful experiment! The soap looks great--now I want to try it!
  2. F

    My Latest batches

    WOW!!!! Love that swirl!
  3. F

    pringles cans...

    The easiest way to figure out how much they hold is to fill them with water, pour the water out and weigh it.
  4. F

    What to do with cheese-yellow soap

    Sounds lovely! Pictures Please!!!
  5. F

    Lime Cilantro

    Love that green!
  6. F

    Cocoa Butter

    I recently made a soap with a couple of oz of coco butter, swirled it with coco powder, and scented it with almond and a little vanilla select. Everyone swears they smell the chocolate. The power of the mind is an amazing thing.
  7. F

    A Favor to ask on Facebook

    I clicked like too!
  8. F

    My first beer soap!

    I can honestly say it smelled worse than anything else I've made soap with (so far). I scented mine with almond and orange. Wait till you wash with it, I was very suprised what a good soap it made!!
  9. F

    My first beer soap!

    I left my beer in a glass overnight and then actually boiled it to remove any alcohol. I then froze it and added my lye to the beer cubes--overkill maybe, but it didn't volcano on me at all. It did smell really bad. My soap is now cured and it turned out to be a really nice soap. Your soaps...
  10. F

    Will Tumeric colored soap Bleed?

    I've used tumeric often as a colorant for swirls. I've never colored the whole soap batch with it. I also never actually use the spice, I infuse it in olive oil for several days and then strain through a coffee filter. I just use the colored oil. It gives me a smooth color and not a speckled...
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    So Mad! Mold Issues...

    Sorry about the new mold. The soap looks good though, rather than a rebatch, why not just trim the edges up a bit?
  12. F

    new pic

    Beautiful job!
  13. F

    My first batch

    Wow! First batch?? Incredible! Great job!
  14. F

    First Seize!! **cut pics added**

    Turned out very nice!!!!
  15. F

    Question about a "tinging" soap from a friend...

    I mildly scented a soap with straight up peppermint essential oil. It smelled so strong at first. It's now 4 months old, the scent is very mild, but seems to be a little stronger when the soap is wet and bubbly. No tingle or burn.
  16. F

    Question about a "tinging" soap from a friend...

    So true, I love using peppermint essential oil, but use a very light hand and just 'mildly' scent. I worry about burning eyes (and other places too).
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    Thats some of the prettiest scratch and dent I've ever seen!
  18. F

    What water?

    I'm lucky I guess. I have well water, it's been tested and it's very pure and 'soft'. I've used distilled too and I can't tell the difference in the soap--even the bars that are almost a year old.