pringles cans...

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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a few questions...for those of you who use pringles cans, how much soap does one hold? can you set it in the oven to ensure gel? how do the round soaps feel in your hands? are they dropped easier?
Thanks!! :D
I used one once and it was a disaster:

I didnt line the can (read on the internet not too) and it reacted with the foil on the inside.
It overheated and was all pitted, I couldnt get it out either I had to cut the can off.

The advise I got was to line the mold, I didnt try it again though. Some peopl seem to love using them.

I do love the round shape of the soap though. I think it would be good for facial bars or shampoo bars, but I just part fill paper cups for that now and they come out much easier.
I have been wondering what to do, how to re-purpose, my empty coffee cans from Trader Joe's. I just threw a bunch out because no ideas came to me. Perhaps I could use them for soap molds but how to line them? I could make a coffee soap and use the coffee tin for the mold :shock: Yes? No? Again how to line the tin?
I haven't used pringle cans, but I've got PVC pipe and have used other round plastic jars for soap molds. Personally, a round bar feels easier to hold, but I guess it would be an individual preference. And I do line mine. The first wasn't and I had to cut the mold to get it out. :cry:
I've used Pringles cans - no liner. I just peel the can away like a biscuit tube. Definitely a one time use item. Also, have had no problem with gel. I would not say that the edges are perfectly smooth, but not bad. Round is good!
maryannm said:
I've used Pringles cans - no liner. I just peel the can away like a biscuit tube. Definitely a one time use item. Also, have had no problem with gel. I would not say that the edges are perfectly smooth, but not bad. Round is good!

how much do they hold?

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