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  1. L

    Sorry so long winded, need advice starting up.

    Me too Lindy. My first batch was about 6lbs and goats milk to boot. It came out perfect, though it too forever and a trip to the store for a stick blender to get it to trace. :) Good Luck, Robin Hood! I would also stick with a simple batch of soap to start. Mine had only 3 oils. Don't...
  2. L

    Rosemary oleoresins

    Kevin Dunn's testing of various preservatives for soap making: If I read this correctly, ROE outperforms Vit E, though, neither is as good as a non natural preservative BHT and Sodium Citrate combo. But, it's your choice. :)
  3. L

    Brand new white soaps turning yellow sticky spots!

    What essential oil are you using and where is it from?
  4. L

    Superfat Question

    I would say yes, 12% is too high. I've only ever heard of really high lye discounts/superfats with all coconut oil soaps to help with the dryness. I stick to around 5% or so. Have you tried Rosemary Oleoresin (ROE) for a natural antioxidant? I find it works pretty well.
  5. L

    Business name? And insurance.

    Gotcha. I wouldn't do anything that is real close. You may be forced to change it later. It sucks, but.... Can you do something with Sycamore City? I'm assuming you were thinking of something like Sycamore Tree.... My friend was Wonderland Custom Cakes... the other business was Wonderland...
  6. L

    Business name? And insurance.

    Just because it isn't active, doesn't mean that it won't be in the future. I set up a FB and an Etsy with a company name long ago, in case I decided to sell in the future. I knew I wasn't ready way back then, but I liked my idea and wanted to keep it safe. I even purchased the domain name. I...
  7. L

    What could these marks be?

    Does it look like frost?
  8. L

    License to buy lye???

    It's sooo much cheaper on line. But, Roebic's will do nicely if you are in a pinch. There is one on line source where they ship for free when you get so much.
  9. L

    Why can't I gel my soaps?

    My advice: Don't gel TD. I can't get it to work at all.... Though, this is interesting: my recipe has PK as does yours and mine creates rivers when I gel, no matter the colorant. Does your FO have Pthalates in it? My theory is, phthalates don't help when it comes to over heating soap.
  10. L

    Guessing this is DOS?

    Bummer.... was your F/O chunky? I had that after one froze during shipping.
  11. L

    Natures Garden bottles

    Thank you!
  12. L

    Natures Garden bottles

    Hey, has anyone ever bought bottles from Natures Garden? It says they are sold in boxes of 10. Is the price when you put a qty of 1 in your cart the price for all 10 or for each bottle. ie: 8 oz boston rounds are $4.75 for 1-10... is that $4.75 for the box of 10 or $47.50 for a box of 10...
  13. L

    Guessing this is DOS?

    Is this your blueberry soap? Did you put blueberry bits in it? If so, the bits will turn brown. But, definitely not DOS, not yet, anyway.
  14. L

    Lye crystals formed HELP

    You can melt it down and rebatch it. It won't be as pretty, but it will be fine to use.
  15. L

    Envious, jealous & (a little) frustrated.

    I was going to comment that they say they make cp soap on the website, but there are soaps with clear elements and none of their bars state that they use sugar and alcohol, which I was under the impression, is needed to make clear soap. So, I don't know! Maybe they had their soap base...
  16. L

    Partial Gel Advice Pls

    Try a heating pad on low. But watch it close.
  17. L

    Any other desert soapers out there (questions on gel!)?

    HI There! That looks like it might have overheated in the middle. Is it gelled there and no where else? FYI: I can't remember where I read this, but extra water = more heat. Apparently, if you don't want to gel a soap, a water discount is helpful. So, possibly, the extra water in your...
  18. L

    Everything is Beige. Striving for Deep Pink.

    Try some madder root. I just used it for a great deep red, but it will do pink too. 1 tbsp per lb of oils for a medium tone (or so the directions say... I used significantly more, though the soap may be a little scratchy) Make sure you use enough colorant and add it at the right time. FYI: it...
  19. L

    About Fragrance Oils - What's in Them?

    Hi Joy, I use 2 to 4% of my total weight of oils for the total essential oil (either single oil or a blend), though I usually run it through a fragrance calculator (like this one: to make sure I'm with in safe levels. Some essentials are are potent...
  20. L

    What is this??? (with pics)

    That looks like brown oxide with glycerine rivers. I have that problem in gelled soap colored with any oxides or pigments. In fact, I have a spectacular specimen with an ultramarine/charcoal blend. It looks like wrinkled skin/leather. But, I know that soap over heats due to the fragrance in...