I'm located in fabulous Las Vegas, NV. The last two batches I made were pretty small (1 and 2 lbs) and seemed to have overheated, causing crackling in the middle... the last batch I mucked up a bunch of things (first time coloring and 2nd time adding scents, a lemon FO - ended up having to add a bit of extra water to mix in some titanium dioxide, and I think I added quite a bit more Stained Glass Yellow powder colorant than I needed) but as far as I can tell the culprit is overheating. Have a look at the resulting hot mess of a soap:
I'm wondering if I'm over-insulting my soap mold? Room temp right now is about 85* (I'm cheap and it's a dry heat!) and I've been insulating with a wool blanket. About 10 hours after pouring this batch the surface temp was 104*F, about 20 hours after pouring it down to 88*F. How hot is too hot for soap??
I have only used this mold twice, and it seems to have cracked both times. The mold itself is 3/4" pine board. Do I even need to insulate?
I'm wondering if I'm over-insulting my soap mold? Room temp right now is about 85* (I'm cheap and it's a dry heat!) and I've been insulating with a wool blanket. About 10 hours after pouring this batch the surface temp was 104*F, about 20 hours after pouring it down to 88*F. How hot is too hot for soap??
I have only used this mold twice, and it seems to have cracked both times. The mold itself is 3/4" pine board. Do I even need to insulate?
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