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  1. S

    MORE BUBBLES reqested.

    Well I was told by a few places that 3-4 weeks and the soap is ready :/
  2. S

    MORE BUBBLES reqested.

    Well I thought it had a nice lather but not nessicarrily tons of 'bubbles' none of us are used to the lather/bubbles of hand made soap yet and the soap is only about 4 weeks old. I will dig around for that thread and have a read.
  3. S

    MORE BUBBLES reqested.

    Well, after using the first bar they really like it but a couple have mentioned they would like more bubbles. I am not secrative about the recipe i used I think its pretty basic: 30% Coconut oil 8% Castor 37% Olive and 25% Palm I have other oils (Bab, PKF, Sunflower etc) But no matter how much...
  4. S

    Question for Sellers/Long Time Hobbiests

    "... dear customers, I hope you will continue to buy my soap. I think it is a wonderful soap because it . . . ummm . . . is rectangular-shaped and . . . uhhhhh . . . it fits in a soap dish, and . . . it does not make you any dirtier...." If you thought it was funny here is the article...
  5. S

    Question for Sellers/Long Time Hobbiests

    Well what kind of examples for 'special purposes' like pore cleaning etc? :) Do you find that certian scents you ONLY make with spacific recipes in mind?
  6. S

    Question for Sellers/Long Time Hobbiests

    How many Recipes do you have for your soaps? Do you have one 'default' one and many scents, or just a couple like 1 for your vegans, one for everyone else, or do you have dozens that you make/use for various reasons? And what are your reasons for doing it the way you do?
  7. S

    This Weeks Soaps (First Beer Soap attempt)

    Im going to let them dry as is, and see what happens, if they seperate the 'foam' from the 'beer' so be it, it will leave a neat texture lol :D I will pick up some rubbing alcahol though. How does that work for you? Right after you pour, spray top, pour second layer?
  8. S

    This Weeks Soaps (First Beer Soap attempt)

    Same recipe, mixxed seprate (Obviously). No fragrances at all. Soap is about 30 hours as of this post. It had a pretty damn full Gel cycle, I cut it at about the 22 hour mark. The top seemed rather soft, but the rest was fine.
  9. S

    So where do you get best price lye online

    I get mine from ED.Just bought 36lbs. But for more than that I would say probably a chemical company
  10. S

    This Weeks Soaps (First Beer Soap attempt)

    Soooo some interesting things happen when I try to make beer soap apparently. :D We made a honey almond with cocobutter this time too, that one came out nice smelling, nice and solid, the drop swirl didnt work at ALL (oh well) but beyond the interesting colors and some cracking on top (I...
  11. S

    Where do you get your Candle Making Supplies?

    You are in colorado! :D So am I that means I could pick stuff up at peaks :D Cant I use scents for soaps in candles or are they diffrent somehow?
  12. S

    Intentionally 'skin drying' soap.

    The solidity of the bar has little to do with how long it lasts. Cure time = longer lifespan. Or so im told :D
  13. S

    Masterbatch Lye

    5: 1 pp 04881 :p
  14. S

    Found on Craigslist - Soap Supplies

    I miss living in WI
  15. S

    Masterbatch Lye

    #5 plastic jug from walmart? :)
  16. S

    First Batch Tested. With Pic! :D

    Thank you. I already have all 11 bars (and then some) 'claimed' by people when they heard I made them lol. I am going to have to cut some in half for people that just wanna 'try it to give feed back' and people that want it to use can get a full one :D
  17. S

    First Batch Tested. With Pic! :D

    I waited 2.5 weeks for my 'test bar' of the peppermint teatree soap I made. It was a small bar from a MP mold I had laying around, and I dont care that it will die quickly, I was curious :) So results: Water: Peppermint Tea-Treesmelling Soap and Suds: Same Me after: Not so much. Faint wiff...
  18. S

    Masterbatch Lye

    How long is it good for? I keep it covered in its container, but its been about 6 days.
  19. S

    Want to stop using palm oil, how to finish what I have left?

    Well...Crap. I have already used maybe a pound or two. I guess I am gunna have to figure out what to do now. I suppose I could melt it all and mix it and re-portion it as is, or throw out the remaining :/ I dunno now. Maybe thats why my soap cracked/overheated a couple times. THe container I...
  20. S

    Want to stop using palm oil, how to finish what I have left?

    Well thats what I ment, should I be melting my whole big pail of palm each time or can I chunk it out like I have been? O.o