Masterbatch Lye

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
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How long is it good for?
I keep it covered in its container, but its been about 6 days.
#5 plastic jug from walmart? :)

What's the recycle code on the bottom of your jug? I ask because there are some plastics that are not compatible with lye solution, such as PETE #1 for example (ask me how I know!). If your jug has a recycle code of HDPE #2, though, you're in great shape. That's the kind of plastic in which I store mine.

Properly stored, lye solution will last a very long time. As an experiment once, I stored lye solution in my HDPE #2 jug (actually a reclaimed laundry jug) for at least 9 months or more., and it soaped perfectly fine with no issues.

IrishLass :)
what's the recycle code on the bottom of your jug? I ask because there are some plastics that are not compatible with lye solution, such as pete #1 for example (ask me how i know!). If your jug has a recycle code of hdpe #2, though, you're in great shape. That's the kind of plastic in which i store mine.

Properly stored, lye solution will last a very long time. As an experiment once, i stored lye solution in my hdpe #2 jug (actually a reclaimed laundry jug) for at least 9 months or more., and it soaped perfectly fine with no issues.

Irishlass :)

5: 1 pp 04881 :p

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