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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. ruby61

    The word association game

  2. ruby61

    Gel Phase

    It is probally still cooking. Mine usually takes at least 8 hours before it starts cooling.
  3. ruby61


    I could have swear i saw a post the other day but now says user not found. Come back!
  4. ruby61

    Greetings from Maine!

  5. ruby61

    craft fair

    Yes. You should wait at least a year, get feedback on your soap and fix problems. There is alot of things to consider, not to mention insurance and tax laws. If you really want a business, you have to do this with experience and thought. I was making soap and giving away to friends for...
  6. ruby61

    Hello From Portlandia

    Welcome amy! :)
  7. ruby61

    Indian Sandalwood

    Definitel getting better and looks wonderful!:)
  8. ruby61

    1st batch poured, whew!

    Congrats! I am sure it won't be your last!:)
  9. ruby61

    My first try at doing a pencil line

    Wow that is awesome, absolutely love it! Where did you get the fo from, really like the colors?
  10. ruby61

    Lavender Vanilla cut pics

    Nice, great swirling!:)
  11. ruby61

    First attempt at color

    That is nice cliff!
  12. ruby61

    The word association game

  13. ruby61

    Looking for verbena suggestions

    I just got a vanilla verbana from wsp the other day, defintely smell the vanilla but with hint of lemon. My daughter thinks it smells like a lemon drop but I smell mostly a sweet vanilla.
  14. ruby61

    My newest cut soap

    I like them both but the second one is so dramatic! Great job!
  15. ruby61

    Japanese Cherry Blossom

    Dana that is incredible!;) Going to try this once my supplies get here, not an expert at this swirl but I love seeing all the techniques.
  16. ruby61

    The word association game

  17. ruby61

    Glad to find a soap forum!

    I was afraid at first too. Dh thought I would blow up the house lol but guess what it did not happen! I have been soaping going on 6 years now. Take the precautions seriously, don the goggles, gloves and apron if you have one over some old clothes. Make sure all kids and pets are out of the...
  18. ruby61

    Hello from Canada!

  19. ruby61

    Farm fresh eggs

    I have had chickens just for 6 years, funny how chickens and soap go together. I give my friend eggs and chicks in the spring and she gives me goats milk for the soap. I would rather have my own goats but dh won't cross that the line between me raising the horses/chickens and ducks and oh...