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  1. C

    Can someone please post good recipe?

    Hey all.. Soo I'm so tired of trying to get rebatch right.. If this soap does not harden I'm out about $25, I know that's not much, but at the same time it is to waste kwim? The reason I'm doing this soap is because I can not afford to spend lots of Christmas this year for family so am...
  2. C

    QUICK! Anyone on right now?

    why do they post on there sight then?? im kind of pissed now...i went by the directions.. if it does not work why is it there??
  3. C

    QUICK! Anyone on right now? ... s-W25.aspx
  4. C

    QUICK! Anyone on right now?

    well it still looked exactly like picture, it has not dried at all really! So fustrated. Recipe said to add that much liquid. Now not sure what to do next..leave in mold really long time? freeze?? It did say on the site to put in freezer(but I gues they use different kind of mold.. should I...
  5. C

    QUICK! Anyone on right now?

    this is what it looked like right now.. I wanted the top 'chunky' like that
  6. C

    QUICK! Anyone on right now?

    sorry already molded it.. I rebatch becuase I # don't have time to do from scratch(8 month old baby to take care of) and # 2 can't do the lye in home becuase I have parrots. I went by recipe on Brambleberry site(for rebatch) 1 cup of liquid per # in oven. I think it will turn out fine, just...
  7. C

    QUICK! Anyone on right now?

    Hey all, So I'm heating rebatch in oven right now.. it has been in there like 2 hours and still is not liquid, is very firm . I already added 2 cup water for the soak part.. and then added about another 1/2 cup now.. I have oven @ 245 now becuase 200 did nothing.. need help quick PLEASE!!!
  8. C

    Pumpkin Spice - Mantra-ish

    wow.. soooo pretty!! that sure is a lot of soap eh!
  9. C

    A parade of my cupcake soap

    ohhh I want to see as well! The images are not working for me
  10. C

    My vines are blooming, yay!

    wow those are beautiful!!
  11. C

    my cute little mold and soap cutter that I made!

    wow awesome! Those look great! Can you pretty please share the link to tutorial? Thanks!
  12. C

    Is there an online source to learn to make?

    thanks guess I'll keep googling.
  13. C

    Do you melt your rebatch in oven?

    thanks! I'm actually going to look more in to. I can not cook soap in kitchen because I know the lye puts of fumes, so maybe this would be an option for me, can plug crock pot in garage. (I have parrots in kitchen area so NO good for them!) that is why I tried rebatch.. Off to search now!
  14. C

    Do you melt your rebatch in oven?

    Oh interesting, did not know you can cook up in crock pot.. So how this post says CP soap forum, does that mean Crock Pot soap forum? (sorry dumb question but I have no clue! All so new to me)
  15. C

    Do you melt your rebatch in oven?

    :lol: :lol: Well I have a timer in the kitchen and I do okay cooking, I guess that is why I considered. What is a cp? And what kind of milk do you add?
  16. C

    Do you melt your rebatch in oven?

    Hey all, So I was looking on the site you all mention (Bramble Berry) and saw they have another way to melt rebatch (in oven for 90min w/ 1 cup liquid) So I was wondering if anyone does it this way? I am really considering it as I don't care to much for the boiling in baggies(#1 reason I did...
  17. C

    anyone (ladies) have sensitive issues down south?

    :oops: You know what I was just wondering the same thing.. because I used the soap I made on my girly parts and had some itching.. I figured it was the FO and will now not use it again down there.. It does no make me itch anywhere else though when I use.. So I figure, yes for some people have...
  18. C

    Is there an online source to learn to make?

    Hey all, So I have a local shop here that offers classes but I am unable to attend because my husband works the day they offer, and I am unable to take baby to class... also I don't drive so that is also another thing. So was wondering if you can link me up to sites with help on making bath...
  19. C

    question about scents

    thanks so much! And yes I already love the the forum :) *hijack over now* :lol: