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  1. B

    shelf life for finished MP?

    So Here I am soaping away-and considering venturing some MP (I've been working on simple CP....) and I read (somewhere?) that Mp soap can start to shrink or "shrivel" after 3 months time. I'm making Holiday gifts-so that would be stinky.... Anybody know if this is the case? Or how to extend...
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    Lavender Question

    Ok-so I have TONS of Lavender (it grows easily where I live.) I would like suggestions (preferably with a how to as well) on what I could do with it-other than using it dried. I prefer to not do that (I use the dried for other things). I have seen reference to "lav infused water" and I know...
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    Pomace vs. Reg. olive oil

    I used it-WITH reg OO in my very first recipe (and other oils). It was cheaper for me. Worked great.
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    Newbie soaps!

    Thought I would attempt to put up my new soaps. The color came out great! I only have a small amount of single molds-no log mold as of yet-and the Elf molds (ovals) worked fabulously. My Milky Way molds-not so much....not sure but maybe next time will line or something. Also had alot of bubbles...
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    Melt and Pour Dilemma...HELP!

    Haha-thanks guys. I like the NEVER...easy to remember.... I'm not particular to selling as I barely started-but as my friends range from one end to the other-I was trying to gauge the difference in opinions, and why that is. I appreciate the customer description-VERY helpful. I am not...
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    Welcome to all the Newbie Soapers!

    ooooohhhh-what a fabulous way way to sent your house!!! And probably very pretty. ;)
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    Melt and Pour Dilemma...HELP!

    So-I'm interested in learning more about the MP - couple of questions after reading this: ~so can I just use a decent microwavable container to melt the soap (not as conscious of glass or plastic or whatever as with the lye in CP I assume)? ~do you add lye to the bases if you use the bases...
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    Welcome to all the Newbie Soapers!

    hahaha....I'm totally new...and totally excited about the soap. And with all the people on here very kindly making sure us newbies understand the lengthy requirements and ramifications-I sure am glad I'm excited about the soap (my family and friends are gonna be so clean at the holidays!!! Plus...
  9. B

    mold question

    So if one uses a pour mold (as opposed to log mold)-the backs of the soap will always be flat. (as far as I can tell.) What type of molds, that are shaped (like oval square...or seashell or something), can you use where either its designed on both sides or not just flat on the back? I've...
  10. B

    just a spoon?

    ok-so its doable...but definitely a whisk sounds like. And sounds like I should choose 1 simple color and I'm definitley going with the whole :"what? Naw only took about 20 mins stirring...and why yes I did join a gym..." :wink: Thanks! I'm not sure its the way I'll always go-but this...
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    H.R. 5786 - 'Safe Cosmetics Act of 2010'

    Just my 2 scents-Having looked at it-what is REALLY missing is a type of business "requirement"-quite a few of the issues it would help with are things that GIGANTIC cosmetic companies are getting away with thru loopholes. (Ie-the FDA approved THIS much of the chemical that is known to cause...
  12. B

    Very new soap maker wannabee

    this is super helpful-I am also a newbie!! SO i got a few molds that are "individual" molds....I had wanted a log mold, but have to wait. Any advice on how I can do CP with small molds?
  13. B

    just a spoon?

    eh.... My reason REALLY is silly-so don't post about how silly.... :oops: I'm only in the planning stages until my product arrives, but I plan on using a sb in general. HOWEVER, one of my friends sorta challenged me-she mentioned that soap used to be made without electricity. I was...
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    just a spoon?

    I know, I know-you're gonna think I'm crazy...but maybe I could use the exercise? I would like to know if anyone out there in this world of soapmaking does NOT use a stick blender? I understand how nice it is, and why it's really good to use just wondering if anyone (quit laughing)...
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    Bitter Creek Customer Service -- WOW.

    If you sign your cc, retailers BY FED LAW are not actually required to CID. If you want them to HAVE to check a pic id, DO NOT SIGN THEM. Many people still won't ask, but you can make a fuss if they don't, if your card isn't signed. AND keep in mind-if you signed your card, and you are a...
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    just ordered Well, I'm terribly new, but I just this week ordered from BB-mostly cuz I really liked their website. I ordered from a few different stores. I figure I'll keep it posted and relate how it goes. So far, I have gotten all my emails and confirmations, and my fedex and ups are really...
  17. B

    Salt bars

    BEAUTIFUL! These are really pretty-are they CP (cuz they look CP)...are you willing to share where you got the mold? My mom would absolutely die for some pretty celtic soaps like this! They are so pretty-I just keep looking at the picture (I don't get out much...hahaha!It's really cuz I'm so new).
  18. B

    a few more of my latest

    mold? These are really pretty colors! I am very new-but the one rectangular one in the lav amarillo hops pic is the exact shape I have been searching for-did you use a mold? Or did you just bevel it? I can't seem to find a mold for that shape (it's not exactly rectangular, not exactly...