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  1. C


    :wink: Got the scale. Cool. Since you say Aloe is water based...would I still need an emulsifier? I want it to ooze out like I said...but without it wouldn't it seperate completly? Or since the shea is so solid it would take a while anyways? When she made it I always had to kinda mix it back up...
  2. C


    Germaben it says 0.3% - does the 1% sound like to much?
  3. C


    OK. So I'm going to do the 70% shea and 30 % aloe. And I'm going to use a whole 1% preservative. Just because :lol: I'll let you ladies know how it turns out!
  4. C


    It says 0.3%-1.0%...and I have E-wax but I dont think I want it...I want it to ooze out just like hers did!!
  5. C


    I have a couple questions, hoping a few of you can help me as far as perservatives go... When I was preggo, this lady I knew made a "Shea Aloe" cream for preggo people to help not get stretch marks. I LOVED the stuff it was expsensive but so worth it. Anyways, I wanna make some. All I know is...
  6. C

    Oatmeal Honey Soap

    I made another soap!! This is my 4th batch! I probably would've had more by now but with my DS birthday and Easter ect...I've been busy in other ways! But I'm back at it now! :lol: I made Oatmeal Honey soap. It gelled fully, when I went to cut it it was very soft so I took it out of the mold...
  7. C

    A Favor to ask on Facebook

    liked! i was # 23!! almost there!!
  8. C

    Some New Soaps (uncut) pic heavy- some cut pics added

    Those look awesome!! I love the first one the best!! Is it just chunks of soap and soap shavings? Love that look!!
  9. C

    !!!!! Made my first batch!!!!

    Good to know ;) How do you know if it looks "bad"? Also, I pulled my soap out today and it's not like rock hard like I think soap is....? It's not mushy like it holds form and all I just didn't expect it to be so moist!!? Hope I'm not doing something wrong,......
  10. C

    !!!!! Made my first batch!!!!

    The first one I did: 70% Olive 20% Coconut 10% Castor Last night I did: 40% Olive 40% Palm 10% Castor 10% Coconut The first one I did looks great IMO. It traced VERY quickly though so with the second batch last night...I tried to not blend as much. Kinda did for like 30 sec then...
  11. C

    !!!!! Made my first batch!!!!

    YES!! Tonight I'm going to try putting Palm oil, coconut oil, olive oil and castor oil! And a different fragrance!! I'm so excited! Gym, supper, soap, bed :lol:
  12. C

    !!!!! Made my first batch!!!!

    So I went home at lunch and cut it. 8) It was hard but still moist if that makes sence. I attached a picture so you can see!! I didn't wanna put it to my I HAVE to? Im putting it away for 4 weeks. So I'm not planning on using it any time do I HAVE to do a zap test? I...
  13. C

    !!!!! Made my first batch!!!!

    :lol: Totally addicted!!! I want some colors now! And yes I only used .7 oz...and I made 2 lbs! I thought that sounded like alot...this next time I'm going to use some palm oil and almond oil! What kinda colors work good? I've heard people talk about cocoa this like Hersey cocoa...
  14. C

    !!!!! Made my first batch!!!!

    Hopefully this pic showed up. Any way to get my freezer paper in there better? Haha. Kinda funny looking. I'll make a mold before long...right now it's in a loaf pan! One more got very hot and this morning I woke up and it wasn't hot anymore. Would it be ok for me to unmold it...
  15. C

    !!!!! Made my first batch!!!!

    I am so in love! :D I soaped last night! I can totally tell why you ladies are obsessed!!! I wanna do it again tonight when I get home but first I have a couple questions! My recipe I used: 70% Olive Oil 20% Coconut Oil 10% Caster Oil My lye got hot, I warmed my oils, waited for it to...
  16. C

    Sinking lip balm

    OK. I use coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, and beeswax. I figured doing more beeswax would work...but I dont want the main ingredient to be beeswax any ideas?
  17. C

    Sinking lip balm

    @ carebear - whats your recipe for a hard one? Mine are so soft they almost melt in your pocket :lol:
  18. C


    I'm not a soap maker...yet :wink: but I got a bunch of "mini" soaps for gift favors at my wedding and they were all wrapped in saran wrap then they put a return label with the info on it! I loved them! But that would definitly be cheap! HTH!
  19. C

    Newbie with Lotion

    First off I want to thank everyone again!! I went and bought a stick blender and waaa laaa! I have lotion! Very thick creamy lotion at that!! It worked almost immediatly. So I guess my problem all along was my mixing!! :oops: Now I'm off to mess and see if I can get a thinner lotion...
  20. C

    Newbie with Lotion

    OK. :( I made some again last night 65% water 5% butter 24.5% oil 5% ewax and .5% Preser. It looked great this morning when i woke up i touched the top and it was very fluffy cream! Til I started to mess with it more and theres a layer of water on the bottom :? I don't understand it. What am i...