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  1. C

    Shea Butter...

    Good idea! Thats what I will do and I'll let you know how it turns out! Thank you!!
  2. C

    Shea Butter...

    Kind of a simple question....I usually get the ultra-refined shea from wholesale supplies plus. But I put an order in with Columbus Foods - got the refined kind...obviously there's was much MUCH I ordered some because I use it alot, soaps, lotions, bath fizzies.. :lol: so I get it...
  3. C

    Sterilizing utensils and lotion bottles

    I spray rubbing alcohol in them and wipe them with a paper towel...should I not be doing this?
  4. C

    Protein Hair Mist

    Yes cool. So the emulsifier what should I use? I have ewax...the kind I have says to shake up and you can see where it did they not use one and thats why it does that? I dont see any emulsifier listed...but maybe I'm not noticing it...and yea the salt...I have no clue! Maybe...
  5. C

    Protein Hair Mist

    OK. So this is as close as I could find... ... ioner.html but thats not really what I'm looking for. Haha she is sooo advanced for me yet. I absolutley adore her site though! I basically just want something I can spray on my hair that isn't going...
  6. C

    Protein Hair Mist

    Basically just something to spray on my hair that's good for it and smells good. I looked and tried to search her blog and couldn't find anything...that's why I asked here.
  7. C

    Protein Hair Mist

    First off...I've googled...I've searched here and point of interest. I've found nothing on how to make this stuff. I know I need water, some aloe juice...some kind of a "protein" and a preservative. My question is how to mix them all together? Do I need to heat anything or just measure out...
  8. C

    Have to share everyone's stuff!

    Aw Tasha your too sweet! When I started this whole journey into bath and first thing I learned was lotion, then I make the body butter thats why I threw that in there...if I would have known it was so popular I would have sent big ones :lol: But thanks i really do appreciate it! I'm...
  9. C

    Vanilla Content

    I have had some bad luck with this problem. I understand Vanilla in a FO will make it discolor. OK got that. Does anyone know how high you could go % wise to not get a discolor? Or does it not matter? I was looking at the Gingersnap Cookies from WSP with a vanilla content of 2.8%. Is that going...
  10. C

    Lard Soap

    I tried to make some soap with Lard the other day...this is the recipe I came up with. I made it on Friday. 30oz oil weight. Water - 9oz Lye - 4.095 oz lard - 12 oz - 40% palm - 9 oz. - 30% CO - 4.5 oz - 15% Caster - 1.5 oz. - 5% Cocoa Butter - 3 oz. - 10% Its 7% SF. Water ...
  11. C


    I ordered it from Wholesale Soap Supplies. It says Aloe Vera - Golden. It's not a's rather runny. But I'm pretty sure it's oil. I guess that means in my shea aloe I wouldn't need a preservative because there is no water. :lol:
  12. C


    I went to make a foot cream last night. I used aloe - which I THOUGHT was water based...maybe I'm wrong on that but I'm pretty sure someone told me I would have to use a preservative because the Aloe is water based....I guess I'm confused on how that works as I was going to use it as my...
  13. C

    Pour Lye into water...right?

    I did add my lye TO my water. And the water was prob tap water cold. So I would say it was cool but not cold nor was it hot. Just like I always do....not sure why this happened but it scared me thats for sure!!! :lol: I usually open my book up...and I did last night and I was right it says add...
  14. C

    Pour Lye into water...right?

    Aren't you supposed to pour the water then the lye not make a volcano? Or do I need to read my book again? I could have sworn you pour the lye into the water. Anyways...made soap Saturday and needless to say I was glad I was about a volcano....and a lye burn :cry...
  15. C


    OK. So the other day I posed about how I was going to try to not gel by putting it in the fridge just to keep the color I was seeing. Sooooo...I did what I normally do...poured into the mold and popped it in the covers just plain open. I took it out this morning and I saw this...
  16. C

    Silicone molds, gelling ECT :)

    I figured it was overheating. I'm going to try and put it in the freezer next time! I used Pink Cotton Candy from WSP. I used about .7oz. Ok so I went home at lunch...and I can't get it out :roll: I've got it in the freezer when I get home it should pop out..I HOPE!
  17. C


    Should I make it and wait a couple days before I send it? Or does it not matter when I send it? I think I'm going to make it tonight...or attempt to! :lol:
  18. C

    Silicone molds, gelling ECT :)

    I made my 5th batch last night! I put some pink mica in this time. It turned orange though :? Kinda disapointing! But oh well. OK I got a new silicone mold from wholesale supplies. It said it was a 40-44 oz mold. ... +Mold+1501 That one. I made...
  19. C


    :? So I'm confused. How do you use cream? Do you really go and get something to get it out with everytime? I think thats silly. And I'm not saying getting my fingers all in it and mixing, just the stuff I'm taking out and about to use...maybe I'm not explaining myself good enough?!! I dunno...
  20. C


    I just mixed it up with my fingers before I used it. Nothing out of my kitchen. And isn't that why I add the preservative though?? :?