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  1. IanT

    I ate 8oz of raw salmon tonight... mmm

    which is darn close to what I did!! Making sushi isnt so bad, a few of my friends and I did it in College, the sticky rice is the beyotch part of it... that takes a while and I suck at making it lol
  2. IanT

    pH testing device

    the only way the ph meters will work for soap is if you test the h20 first, then put soap in it mixed up, then measure again... I have a hannah dual combo ph/ppm meter but I dont use it for soaping because this method is inaccurate.. Id go with the method donny suggested over using a meter like...
  3. IanT

    Which EO can be taken internally?

    I would not advise doing this unless its under supervision of a clinical aromatherapist (aka prescribed treatment)... tea tree oil is a little different in smaller quantities... ive brushed my teeth with it etc.... you have to thing about strength of EO's, one drop of EO is the equivalent of...
  4. IanT

    I ate 8oz of raw salmon tonight... mmm

    It was surprisingly good.... most raw fish ive eaten at once before, I figure since im on this new workout kick, might as well get the purest nutrients I can and I dont want them to get denatured by heat if at all possible... (yes I froze it first to kill the beasties) it was real good...
  5. IanT

    Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

    that is so cute!!! id def take a lil goat all over with me!>.. Ive heard they can be just as smart, if not smarter than dogs? that true?? and ps! new record!! got my straight leg deadlift to 175 tonight!! WOOOHOOOO!!
  6. IanT

    One of those sleep-goggle things?? (mask?)

    heyy!! def not too late!!! ... any advice you could give me would be awesome! do you make your own templates or do you just use them from somewhere online? what kind of stitches do you use?... send me a pm! would love some tips from you!... right now i just sleep with my whole extra pillow...
  7. IanT

    Homegrown Luffas!

    that is such an awesome pic!!
  8. IanT

    How many times have you visited this site?

    444 times since ive cleared my cookies... which was like.... 2 weeks ago..??? lol... wow
  9. IanT

    Need some help and a little generosity of time

    we want to see your results!!! :)
  10. IanT

    Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

    awwwww!!!! i want one!!! then i could make goat cheese and fresh goat milk :)mmmm
  11. IanT

    how is it possible to make a hair removal soap

    see my theory, id rather take a butane lighter and burn it off if it came to that lol.... glad you survived it... hope the hoohaa is okay too ;)
  12. IanT

    Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

    yes! please do! you should start "the adventures of half caper farm" thread ;) id happily read/watch it :)
  13. IanT

    how is it possible to make a hair removal soap

    yikes! I didnt know it acted on keratin!.. that means it eats fingernails too! woooooah!... ill think twice next time i fill a water balloon up with it and throw it at someone... :shock: (yeahhh we used to add it to water balloons in HS for water balloon fights... that wasnt so nice, but...
  14. IanT

    Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

    lol I do NOT miss snow (originally from NY)... awww you should post some pics of the farm! liil baby ram lamb sounds coool! lol well, from the standpoint of not having to chase it lol aaahh I long to live on a farm and have the somewhat simple life :)
  15. IanT

    how is it possible to make a hair removal soap

    what do they put in nair?
  16. IanT

    Making Soap with Silver, help

    that it is professionally made :) I am not an antagonist to using colloidal silver by any means, like BG said, everything in moderation... I just dont see any benefit to using it in a soap or body product other than maybe an anti-bacterial creme (which could be formulated with zinc as well...
  17. IanT

    Just started weightlifting again... Raaah! strong like bull!

    lol if your in FL I would seriously take you up on the offer :) Unless I can figure out the whole teleportation thing in my meditation techniques or being in 2 places at once (gotta beat the space-time continuum for that one ... still working on that ;) ) on a sidenote... I squatted 135...
  18. IanT

    New Standard Formulary - Old Recipes and Formulas - 1912

    awesome!! Its amazing to see where it all started lol...
  19. IanT

    This was spam posted on my blog...but its a funny joke

    lol thats great :)
  20. IanT

    This was spam posted on my blog...but its a funny joke

    lol looooove it :) Its scary cuz I have actually "baby-sat" an African Gray parrot before and those things could literally hold a conversation with you... It also talked to her dog (which thankfully was a cute loveable basset hound without a bad fleck of temper in her body).... but it would...