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  1. IanT

    Give me some aftershave ideas to try :)

    ooooh i cant wait to get back from NY to try all these suggestions!!! OHHH! and I found a new (awesome) one today, Eucalyptus Spearmint... It definitely smells like something else that is not necessarily either or of these scents, but together they smell like some cologne i have had in...
  2. IanT

    Don't touch my junk.

    well results are in, after all the huffin and puffin, they did NEITHER to me at the airport lol.... They apparently dont have bodyscans or ppl to strip search at orlando international airport bwahahhaah
  3. IanT


    you rock! thanks and nana... glad i asked it too :)
  4. IanT

    Critique this shave-soap recipe...(REVISED RECIPE)

    Alright, Hows this look now??? Stearic Acid up to 30% when you count additional+inherent Stearic content... nixed OO, upped Castor and Lard... Im going to give this a go tomorrow and see how it does :) Now as far as making soaps with KOH, havent even started on that route yet...
  5. IanT


    Alright, never worked with this in soap before, only in other things...I presume its calculated as an additive? not as part of the water? ::curiously awaits replies:: 8)
  6. IanT

    Give me some aftershave ideas to try :)

    omg i didnt know what you were talking about so i googled it, THATS THE COLOGNE MY DAD USED TO WEAR!!! WOOOOOAHHH! lol I looooove the smell of that stuff... oooo now i may need to go back to the drawing board, thanks for bringing that up!; conjures up fond memories !! :) Im gonna try on...
  7. IanT

    Critique this shave-soap recipe...(REVISED RECIPE)

    lol shivers of loooooove ;) I am absolutely in love with this program, as you can see I havent really input prices etc because im scared to see what I spend on this stuff in the testing phase lol, I figure Ill really take care of the inventory side of the program once I do decide to start...
  8. IanT

    Give me some aftershave ideas to try :)

    which is more often than not...... (and an excellent idea :) )... I wish they had sunblock that smelled like that lol... @cw, no worries!! I definitely like the recipe, its very nice, Im curious as to how it would be without the cloves but I do like the addition of them, I wouldnt say its a...
  9. IanT

    Critique this shave-soap recipe...(REVISED RECIPE)

    sweeet... I kinda tested a few of shave soaps (just to get a basis of what to expect/compare as far as lather etc) now to get the stearic higher, whats the best way? Just add stearic acid? I have some I use for lotion-thickening, but I thought it was quite hard to work with in soaps...
  10. IanT

    Give me some aftershave ideas to try :)

    Lol no worries :) this is the recipe I used: 8 ounces Witch Hazel 2 ounces Dark Rum (possibly Jamaican) 3-5 Bay Leaves 1-2 large cinnamon sticks 1/2 tsp of allspice 1/2 tsp of orange essential oil I also added cloves and 1 orange worth of zest, left it in the sun for a few days...
  11. IanT

    Give me some aftershave ideas to try :)

    Yeah thats what ive been using as my liquid (in addition to rum or vodka)... ill have to say , first time ive ever used witch hazel and looove it :)
  12. IanT

    Give me some aftershave ideas to try :)

    oOOoOoOOo thats one i didnt think of :) alright thats now on my list of things to try
  13. IanT

    Critique this shave-soap recipe...(REVISED RECIPE)

    First directed attempt at making a shave soap, previously I used my regular cp but that was before i discovered wetshaving... soooo Anyone made these (im talking the reeeeeal stuff thatll pass the 10min foam test) before and care to take a gander..... here is the recipe I thought up...
  14. IanT

    Wooden Mold Questions

    Hey mystic, A lid is a good tool to use depending on the size of the batch, it will help to insulate your soap so it reaches gel-stage. I havent been wrapping mine in blankets, cause well... i get a lil lazy sometimes, and my girl tends to nag about blankets in the oven (oven is OFF );) ...
  15. IanT

    Give me some aftershave ideas to try :)

    Alright, So im on this new shave kick with DE razors, dont think I ll ever go to another mach3 again baaaaahahahah!!! Sooo.. I have made bay rum aftershave, which was pretty darn good for a first shot, if i dont say soooo myself... ;)... I used a recipe I found online @...
  16. IanT

    Don't touch my junk.

    actually I have been wanting to test the if they can stop any person trying to sneak something past security... as long as it isnt metal, sheeeeet could bring **** near anything thru... I think it really makes a false sense of security... I mean... howd that shoe-bomb guy get thru? If I were...
  17. IanT

    Advice For A Beginner

    yeah another cool thing to know is soap will pretty much last forever if made correctly, I know someone here has said they have a block of WWII era soap or something like that... crazy!!! If the **** really hits the fan tho, I think Id like to learn to make bullets and...
  18. IanT

    Don't touch my junk.

    yeahhhh I had troubles with this when I used to have dreadlocks... maybe they thought i was smuggling ganja or something, but i was "randomly" selected every time I went through security... At least they could give you a piece of candy or something that makes you feel like you come away from the...
  19. IanT

    Website Host

    yeah I work with they have the cpanel option where you can add a bunch of things like zencart and other software for freeeeeee :)